It's a remake of my least favourite game of all time but they restored trans Vivian so I'm obligated to give it a 2/10 instead of a 1/10

I think its kinda hilarious how almost every single issue with this game can be attributed to Q Team (INCLUDING ZERO) and that team is a cast of horrible, unlikeable shit characters

Akane, Junpei, Sigma and Phi definitely salvage this game and Carlos/Diana are great but holy shit how did they condense all of the garbage to Q Team

A wonderful game with fantastic writing across the board, but one that gets deeply sabotaged by its terrible budget resulting in extremely ugly models/environments, and an abysmal first hour that is SUPER off putting. In spite of this I'm still giving it a 10/10. An extremely worthwhile sequel to 999, albeit not surpassing it at least for me. Sigma and Phi are so awesome

I've been thinking about Akane ever since I first finished this game and nvm I like this game more than AITSF lmao

Out of the Uchikoshi games I've played, unfortunately by default my current least favourite just because I find the cast of the AI games super fun and I just vibed with them more. Though this game easily contains the best story out of the three I've played, hands down, with a pretty out of left field twist that works really well. Junpei is a really great protagonist too, he's funny, he's smart, and he's really socially awkward in a funny way. I do sorta wish I played this on DS like intended but I don't think I'd have it in me to play every single room multiple times

This game is hilarious to me because despite the controls being gimped compared to the original, this version has more content, more worlds, the silly ass minigames that I somehow always come back to, and Luigi, who lets me completely skip the parts of the original I flat out dislike. I also always got a laugh at every star that was modified/added to accommodate Wario, because he's such a half-assed addition to this game his stars are always either "break a black brick" or "use the metal cap with Wario" and that is it. Genuinely would be the definitive version of 64 to me if it was on a home console

Might be the most fun I've had with Fortnite ever

Might be the greatest piece of media ever produced

I think my soul left my body several times during the final boss, I could literally feel myself being reborn over and over from the fucking kino overdose.

Stellar combat with fantastic presentation and setpieces. I will be enjoying my postgame grind with my friends

I have always stood by Persona 3 being an awful video game with a great story, and the best way to appreciate the story being the movies. The pacing is better, and you didn't have to deal with abysmal party ai and an awful exp curve leading you to grind every night because, well, they were movies

Reload changed my opinion. This is the definitive version of Persona 3, and finally won me over on it (although Persona 4 is still my favourite). Is it perfect? Fuck no. I still think Ken is an awful character who has aged horridly, the game giving you absolutely nothing to do near the end is annoying as shit, and 264 floors of Tartarus is still far too much, with some fights feeling like complete shit (I played on Merciless). But the bulk of the good being the story and the reworked combat is still there, and fully ready for you to indulge in it.

This game feels like it has no idea on what it wants to be? The first open world Pokemon game but the open world is bland and unintresting, the Arven plotline is up there with some of the series best writing while the Penny one is down there with the absolute worst. This game is also blatantly unfinished as everyone already knows, I would've unironically given it a better score if it ran well. Unfortunately I enjoyed the Arven plotline too much to give it a low score but I hated the Penny plotline to give it a high one, so it will just confidently sit as a 5/10. Also loses points for Ed Sheeran

They fucking nailed it. This is RGG's best game easily. The only, and I mean only major problem I have with it is the soundtrack is weaker than their last two games (being Yakuza Like a Dragon and Lost Judgment). But that's it. Otherwise it's perfect. I put 75 hours into this game in under a single week. A perfect farewell to Kiryu after where 6 and Gaiden left him off, and an opportunistic future for both Ichiban and the series as a whole.