I love this game. The characters, the story and its overall message make me come back to it despite its evident flaws. One of those 7/10 games that are 10/10 for the right people.

I would legitimately call this a masterpiece. Every element pushes you towards a conclusion wholly your own, as even your own perspective is made part of the narrative.

This is charm distilled into a mystery puzzle.

Joycon drift made me smash into a plant and while I sat there angry at my Switch I listened to the ambient music and realized just how sad it was. It made me realize how the presentation, the worldbuilding and the characters all work together to make this atmosphere that's just... sad. And it's you as the player who by playing the game, just like the protagonists embarking on their journey, stand against this sad world.
The only reason this isn't rated higher is because the villains are on the weaker side of the narrative, but even that is only done to serve the narrative so... yeah