This game is incredibly fun, gets me really feeling like I am Spiderman! The whole vaporwave aesthetics it has going for it is pretty, i like it. However that final 10 levels literally just make things turn to borderline torture. I wouldn't put it pass ya if you dropped it entirely after getting stuck in that stretch of the game.

this + some reddit TTS or TV Clip is the ultimate slop combo.


super short free game that reminds me a lot of flash games from the past. cooking papa taught me how to actually cook up tet, so that's cool i guess.

That whole corner with the Mega City is cool, but let's be real. Rarely anyone ever goes there.


I'd like to play more of this but I don't want arthritis.

i mean... a dollar is a dollar, or free if you're like me and have gold coins stacked up. its okay, not much to do though.

Its more like Wallpaper Engine except I can touch the ducks.

More of the same to be had here and there's nothing wrong with that. The first game already was great and it delivers on that and some extra. The final boss it adds into it is also a thing, it sucks...

What a classic! Back in my days in 4th grade middle school, this was one of the Flash games that i'd be all over at the computer class. It's nice to come back around to this all these years later and look at it more as Angry Birds but epic!

Wish that there was the ability to make my own levels to crush some castles and upload to. Unfortunately we live in a world were we can't have nice things :(
(still worth it regardless for nostalgia sake)

Cute warioware type of game with nonstop mini games

this is the type of game where if you like the humor it'll be great, or if you really don't it'd be an average shooter and ooh boy. this is an average shooter. there's very little enemy variety with about 4 different types of enemies that you fight throughout the entire game excluding the boss fights. if you're like myself and couldn't care too much or not at all much of a fan of Justin's work there is thankfully a setting to tone down the actual chatter that pops in over and over leaving no room for silence. there are people i've read in some reviews saying that say that this game has very minimal or non of Roiland's meta-humor which i'd have to ask for them where there ears where? as it is there from the start straight to the finish with it name dropping other existing franchises/games and to jab and pop shots in the most cringiest ways possible. another thing that has annoyed me for the entire playthrough is there being no fov silder as it would've been preferably better to have. many of the guns themselves while have their own unique gimmicks that make them stand out, all of it is just incredibly barebones as if it were comparable to some of the more recent shooters right at the very beginning minus all of the build-up to what you'd expect from something like the DOOM games for instance. only thing i could genuinely give this as a pro that i liked was the artstyle itself and suggesting a better game to play instead of this.

Do you remember those flash games in middle/elementary school where you cooked food at restaurants? I know I do, and this game certainly fuels me up w/ that nostalgic feeling of it. While it's so far just been a straight from mobile to PC port of this game, all of the usual suspects for what's expected in a mobile game aren't present at all. Kinda lame however that they have achievements listed on its store page but none of the actual achievements are realistically/possibly obtainable at all.

!!First Impressions!!

They finally gave it a whole redo. After all that mayhem with the last map. We finally get something little more different, and a better battle pass.

Everything is a lot more open and wide leaving it almost as a disadvantage for any zero-build player that isn't carrying an AR like a red-eye. Its almost refreshing in comparison to the last map, but at the time annoying with how open and empty some places can really be.

The battle pass is unironically at its peak and the Doom Slayer is carrying it along with there being No Cape Shit! 0_0