DKR is awesome! Blew my mind that you could drive a kart and fly a plane.

The beginning of the end for the Kingdom Hearts legacy. I had pre-ordered it, like I do with all KH games, and was so excited. Then I got it. Then I beat it. Then I didn't really think much about it again.

I remember watching my dad play this and the one time I tried I immediately sucked ass.

My neighbor and I spent the years leading up to this googling, "Fable 2," at least once a day.


Jak's back and he's even fucking cooler than before. Can you believe that?

The definitive Arkham experience.

I've played this game so much and I've never beat it because it's so hard. I thought I was just a dumb kid so I tried it again like 5 years ago and it was still extremely hard to the point that I softlocked myself because I couldn't beat a boss.

Played the demo like 10 times before I got Arkham City, which this came packaged with at the time.

Another game I played with my mom. When I think of Lego games I think of this.

I got to the credits then played a little further but was too bored to complete the, "third act." Terrible writing with some of the most stale characters imaginable. Even the main character has the most boring character design of any DQ hero.

EDIT: OK Sylvando was good though.

Underrated! I don't know why someone decided to make this game, but it's fun and every track is super memorable.

To this day this is still my favorite Pokémon game. It might be a lot of nostalgia, but me and my dad played through this together and it was just awesome. Looking back, I was really a sucker for cool shit.

This game and Sly 3 mix together a bit in my head, but yeah, Sly's back and he's still awesome. And Carmelita

The best, and last, F-Zero game, but not nearly as aesthetically cool as X.

Ok, we're getting badass now! When my friend introduced me to this I didn't even believe him at first. Read the back cover and pissed myself.