This game kicks ass. The most straightforward game conceivable.

I put over 100 hours into this game.

My favorite FF. I played the demo of this that came with Dragon Quest VIII on the PS2 before getting it. The Zodiac Age edition is even better.

Bought this from a drug dealer in highschool. Not sure why it never got a sequel.

Yeah, Unity isn't that great, but it gets way too much hate. It also looked REALLY good at the time.

This is a dumb game but in a cool way. Nowadays there are too many games that are dumb in a dumb way.

I didn't play those game until a couple years ago. Honestly, I don't mind any of the dated console controls, but I wish there was just a bit more autonomy and choices.

The first time a game let me down. I didn't finish it. By the time I got to the fake open world area I was tired of it and never picked it up again.

I really wish this game was better. I was really rooting for it. Don't get me wrong, it's good; but that's it.

The hype leading up to this game was more exciting than the game itself. Pretty run of the mill AC game. Good conclusion to Desmond's arc, and I liked how weird they allowed it to be.

Played the hell out of this when it came out. I always loved the Brotherhood mechanic and wished more games did stuff like that.

Playes this one with my mom. Honestly, I think she might have played mor of it than I did.

I never beat this as a kid but I got pretty far and really liked some of the soundtrack.

Ok, well, I didn't realize there was a separate thing for the original game, but whatever. Me and my neighbor played this when it came out and just laughed for an entire day.

I've beat this game twice and I am only now playing the first one. I have no excuse. I apologize to the gamer community.