75 Reviews liked by mickeymissed

You ever just like, have moments of nostalgia grief where your brain kind of latches on to whatever you were fascinated by in your childhood and never really let's go of? I go through bouts of this every now and then, maybe it's just a symptom of growing old or feeling general lack of comfort in present life. I have no idea, I'm not a philosopher, but what I do know is that Nintendogs was such a highlight of my childhood that when I ended up getting a REAL!! dog, I begged and pleaded to my mom and sisters to name him after the virtual Shiba Inu that I adopted in this game.

And no, Nintendogs does not prepare you for any actual responsibility. I was not aware of the fact that you actually needed to pick up after your dog when walking them outside. Pissing off my in-game neighbors without understanding why. In fact, I'm sure my virtual Nintendog is actually pretty starving by now since I lost the game at some point and haven't been able to check on him in years.

But, it's days like today where I really, really wish that I still had it, but it's gone. I would check in on my Shiba and toss some frisbees with him for a bit. I really wish I could watch him run through loops on the competition track while reading the funny announcer banter. Maybe abuse the hell out of the records like I used to for hours. See the light in the dog's face that'd appear whenever you shouted it's name, even though it only ever heard complete undiscernible gibberish from the DS microphone. I would emulate the game but I just don't think it would feel the same and therefore, it'll just be stowed away in the back of my brain.

Since today my childhood buddy, Scout, is no longer on this Earth, and just like Nintendogs I cannot give either anymore praise other than thanking them so much for being a light of joy during the most tumultuous time of my life. It was never the pinnacle of gameplay, or the next generation's graphics, but a capsule of time that I will forever be reminded of whenever I hear the Nintendogs walking theme, which is a bop and a half. All it ever needed to be was an escape from reality for a kid who lived through a house full of screams and anger. Now it is a nostalgic memory that I will mourn for the rest of my life.

A shameless cash grab

It knows what it is: popular characters, references, battlepasses, FOMO, and million ways to spend money on it. It plays like molasses-filled garbage, feels as satisfying to smell that same garbage, but remember, the company's philosophy is Players First™️.

I don’t care what conservatives say. Parenthood does, in fact, cost a lot of money. This game pack was $20 for instance. I would be richer without kids!!!

I mean in all seriousness, this pack did not add children to the game, but I couldn’t help myself. Children and Teenagers were always there, but there was never really anything special that they could do. They were more like smaller humans that went to school and were limited in their gameplay functions. Shells without a soul or personality. Ugh, and you gotta feed them and shit!! BARF!!

This pack remedies a lot of the uselessness that children had before by simply tossing in a bit of personality to the mix. It doesn’t seem like a humongous change on paper, but you’d be surprised to find out that a lot of what gets added here bleeds into almost every second of the gameplay. That is if you’re the type of Simmer that isn’t batshit insane and actually enjoys keeping their families alive. Before there was really no reason to play as your child sims, but now this gives them things to do.

It’s generally the little things. Items and clothes specifically dedicated to them, interactions with other kids, parental discipline, after-school projects/clubs, the occasional emotional turmoil that we all felt when we were the ages of 10-16, temporary phases, etc. It really does not sound like much, but it is a pack that is running on all cylinders at all times. Children and Teenagers are given a meter towards different personality traits that will eventually shape how they would act as an adult. For instance, a child who’s been taught Good Manners will end up being a way nicer person. Or a child with less Emotional Control, will probably become an incel or some shit. Do better, parents. In reality, they’re adult form is actually kind of an asshole and can only be prevented by actually putting in some effort towards teaching them better traits.

It’s a simplified system and not much of it makes that much sense. Everyday each of your children will ask one of their parents for advice and you’ll get a pop-up like this. You have zero idea what each option entails (until you get a higher Parenting skill), but they will all increase one trait and decrease a different one. It is a very binary system, but I think anything more advanced would burn a lava hole into the game’s core and straight through your PC’s hard drive. In all honesty, my save file is a 100 Baby Challenge and I tend to just randomly pick each time they come up as they can be rather intrusive sometimes. But, there are better ways of increasing a Child’s trait if you need to do it that badly. Different actions that a child does will also increase some traits as well. So if you’re badly hurting for them to be the best citizens ever, just make them do all of the chores non-stop everyday, get A+ grades, and participate in several hobbies. That will break them into something, most definitely. They’re gonna go really far, haha.

Other things: There is the Super Parent Aspiration, as well as the actual SKILL for Parenting. Who would have thought? If you play with the younger life stages, it’s absolutely the first skill that you’re probably going to max on complete accident and it’s not a bad one to have. It’ll unlock this thing called Full Parent Mode which prevents your Sim’s needs from decaying over a certain amount of time, making it way easier to get a lot of shit done. The best part is the Super Efficient Parenting action though, it will give them the midas touch and instantaneously make the kids happier by feeding/changing diapers/cleaning all in one go, instead of having to do them one after the other. Very handy when you have 7 kids in your household like it’s the set of a sitcom show.

So for family enjoyers of the Sims, this one is considered to be like, the quintessential DLC and I would agree for the most part. I think part of me is just so used to seeing those little advice pop-ups that I kind of just glaze over them for the most part. Most people aren’t psychotic like me and play this game casually, so it will shine brightest when you’re playing it just as intended. As someone who played the game at launch, yeah, these new kids would absolutely stomp the old ones and it’s not even close.

A borderline collectathon that will overwhelm you

The scale of this game is ginormous, every little nook and cranny is explorable and sometimes leads into an even larger new area for you to explore further. However, not all areas are built equal, some being a short jumping puzzle with annoying imps poking away at you before fighting a reused boss you have seen 12 times before, but other times, you will get an environmental riddle that will blow your mind as it tricks you on where you have been. There is so much that you will definitely get fatigued and need to take a long break at some point (spanning possibly months before wanting to pick it back up again)

Some enemies and bosses feel like a fair fight, while others deal a ridiculous amount of damage for an attack that is seemingly not that lethal, it's very hit or miss which ones feel this way to you. The game gives a lot of freedom with how you can build your character, but puts a lot more roadblocks with bosses that either counter everything you have been building for, or are completely immune that you have no choice but to summon something or respec your build (which is limited for some unforsaken reason) and it's a major buzzkill for all your momentum and does not feel as gratifying to overcome.

There is a mod that allows for a better multiplayer experience and is highly recommended, but with how scaling works with enemies, you are going to find it to be a lot harder

I guess I’ll start off this review by saying that I am not Final Fantasy VII’s biggest shooter. I’ve played the original and the remake and it’s a pretty good story, but it’s not my favorite Final Fantasy. I don’t really have any outward complaints about the narrative because of this, except for what’s directly presented to us. If they were to remake X or IX and do whatever they wanted with them in the same vein as this trilogy, I’m sure I could understand a lot of fan’s frustration, but for the most part I’ll be talking about the core gameplay. I’m gonna be trying this new thing where I talk about spoilers in hyperlinks instead of cramming them in the bottom of the review and describing them in vague terms, so don’t worry about getting your eyes tainted to something you don’t want to see. For the most part, it sits in a weird place in my head because I liked a lot of what they did but also despised a lot as well. As soon as I opened the menu and saw crafting I was extremely hesitant. It’s really funny to me that this game had so much discourse about yellow paint breaking people’s immersion, but no one seems to care about the pouches of crafting materials just laid all over the place for no reason. I would describe this game as a complete descent into madness personally.

I’ll start with the combat because it was my main gripe with Remake, and I want to get the positives out before I get into salt territory with the negatives. I’m much more of a turn-based connoisseur and getting used to the action gameplay was like getting shoved into arctic waters. I always felt like the dodges on the characters weren’t effective and the ATB gauge build up would drop a sledgehammer on my balls every time I’d get caught with it empty and unable to heal during a 45 minute boss fight. It sucked ass in that game, and it wouldn’t benefit from the fact that most chapters are just endless roadblocks of bosses that fly and cancel out your actions with cinematic cutscenes. Some of this is still present in Rebirth, but they managed to both fix the momentum of the characters in combat and delete half the health on most of the enemies. It was like leagues different and done way better here. Most of the character’s dodges were changed and were actually able to dodge attacks. Cloud was given this ranged laser attack that allowed him to build ATB from a distance which made him so much better to play as, especially because he’s the only party member that can’t be switched out. I found both Red and Tifa to be extremely overpowered due to their critical chances. If you give them ATB boosting items, they turn into automatic weapons that barely need to reload. It was just a much better experience overall. Instead of rolling my eyes at the giant mech boss, I was actually enjoying myself for once. I do still think Aerith is atrocious to play as though. She has better Ward abilities, but she’s still cannon fodder. Everytime she was forced to do a battle by herself, it was like Guantanomo torture.

The addition of the other party members hanging out on the side was neat, but I honestly can’t tell if they were actually helping or if they were just there for moral support. I definitely saw Barret pressure some enemies from afar when the stars aligned, but it seemed like Red and Cait Sith would just stare menacingly off to the side. It was still like, the perfect small change that you didn’t really know you needed though. There’s never any questioning what they were up to while your core 3 get to kill everything, because well… they’re right there! What I would love to see in the next game is the ability to potentially swap characters out on the fly, similar to Final Fantasy X. If the characters are there anyways, it shouldn’t be hard to implement. It would just be so nice if you ran into a flying enemy and could swap your melee attackers out for Yuffie/Barret mid-battle, instead of having to do it before battle after a reload. Since you’ll have the full party for that game, I feel like it’s going to be a must-have feature and I hope they don’t continue these full chapters of split parties just for the sake of forcing you to play as someone else for 3 monotonous hours. It helps that enemies are much easier to stagger in this game, meaning that they’re also much easier to kill overall. The combat is just a huge step up and it was actually fun in this game.

Just like in Remake though, there are a lot of highs and lows in this game. The highs are monumentally fantastic, while the lows are like slamming your face into concrete. If you thought that Remake had a serious issue with padding out its ass, then I’m so sorry to say this, but it’s made so much worse in this game. The issue is still extremely prevalent, it’s just that it’s relegated more into the side content than it is in the main story this time. Rebirth does benefit from taking place across multiple locations, and they are beautiful, but the chapters are still bloated beyond all Hell by chores masked as mini-games and mini-challenges. And here’s the thing, I don’t want to hear anyone in the comments raising a finger and going, “well, it’s all optional and you’re very dumb!! Why did you do it if you didn’t enjoy it? ☝️🤓” Is it though…? Is it truly optional content if your party’s EXP, SP, and relationship with them are tied to the side quests and intel? You can say all day that the shit doesn’t have to be done, but it doesn’t eliminate the fact that your main level progression comes from playing the same QTE puzzle 6 times per area and turning on shitty ass Tears of the Kingdom towers so that Chadley can constantly bitch in your ear about shit you do not care about. I’m genuinely wondering if people actually liked doing these? Not just, “I didn’t mind it.” Nope, did you genuinely enjoy doing this repetitive crap? Don’t hesitate to raise your hands. Even if you did, just because the shit is “optional” it does not mean it’s not in the game, and I’m here to talk about what I don’t like in the game, bucko. Like 75% of the playtime of this game is just as much bloated trash as the Trash Island that’s swimming in the ocean right now.

The mini-games ranged from very fun to complete horseshit. People are like, “man I wish Final Fantasy had mini-games again, what happened to them??!!” What, you mean these torture devices? I’ve never been a fan of most Final Fantasy mini-games. They’re at their best when they’re short and confined to one area. If they’re forced to be played, they should at least wrap into the story in the same way that Blitzball does. And I KNOW!! Final Fantasy VII was like mini-game central, there’s some sort of mini-game from giving CPR, snowboarding, to changing your damn clothes. I got it, but in Rebirth there are more than just the recreations of the original mini-games. There is a mini-game for doing the most mundane shit in this game and it’s overbearingly god awful. The beginning of the game was so overwhelming; you’re tossed into this gigantic landscape and get 37 tutorials thrown at you at once. How to run around, how to do combat, how to get a chocobo, how to ride a chocobo, how to tie your shoes, how to sit through Chadley’s dialogue without killing yourself, how to use SP, etcetera ad nauseam, until finally it just leaves you alone. There’s got to be a better way of introducing players to open-world games because the first 6 hours of each one always feels like sitting through job orientation everytime. Now toss in 24 mini-games per square inch of each area and you have my Joker origin story. I think it was in Chapter 9 when I was doing a side-quest for Aerith and it turned out to be another mini-game where you have to use the controller bumpers to rip mushrooms out of the ground, the inner coil of my being keeping me sane just burst like the engine belt inside of a car. From then on, I was hanging on a ledge by my last remaining fingers. I did eventually fall off the ledge, but it’ll be brought up in spoiler talk due to it being extremely late-game.

To be honest, not all of them were terrible. The Costa del Sol events, while extended way beyond its original counterpart, were easier to swallow because they were meant to be a fun respite to the major plot. The Gold Saucer events obviously were fine, it’s like the one part of the game where you’re supposed to fuck around. Queen’s Blood was genuinely interesting and the Junon marching was really fun when the game finally let you fucking get on with it. However, Fort Condor can drink my piss, especially because they changed the rules of the game for the sole reason of probably annoying me. Chocobo Racing can die in a ditch off the highway. That punching mini-game was needlessly complicated for no reason at all. The Cactuar mini-game might as well have ripped my face off instead. These are just the ones that annoyed me the most, the 50 other ones were either less annoying or just forgettable. It’s nice that the soundtrack is amped up to its extreme, with this being what seems like a 500 song discography, but that only slightly mitigates how annoying the games are to play. (I would drop that one dog song here, but everyone else beat me to the punch a month ago.) The PS5 has some dogshit bumpers too, like I can’t be the only one who thinks this? They hurt to use for someone like me with wrist pain, and there’s a lot of mini-games that require you to mash them. They’re too busy trying to ooh and aaahh you with motion controls and sensory features that they forgot how shit it is to mash bumpers that are literally fighting back. It’s nice that you can turn that off, but they put it in by default as the intended way of playing it. It’s just so egregious and doesn’t help with the pacing issues that most people had in Remake, in fact it’s made somewhat worse.

ring ring “Hey, it’s Chadley here!! I’m going to remind you that this game was $70 and therefore your complaint is rendered discarded. Just don’t do the content, forehead. It’s that easy."

Chadley, I will not hesitate to split you in half. I keep seeing this flimsy argument thrown around every time someone complains about this game. They get swarmed by people dropping the $70 comment like it’s the ultimate backhand. That it’s okay for the game to be overflowing with boring slop because it justifies it being $10 more than it would have been 5 years ago. It’s so cool that you like watching paint dry, but I don’t. There are games worth $30 and 5 hours long that were much more pleasant and much more memorable experiences than this. Baldur’s Gate 3 discourse has rotted all of your brains thinking that every game has to be 200 hours long to be worth it, when in reality if that game had been cut 50 hours it still would have been great because it was fun and had meaningful content. All the boring chore work in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth bothers me because it does nothing but waste your time and take you away from the character writing, which is the good shit. I will never forget how this game forces you to do a shitty on-rails gun mini-game 5 seconds after Barret has one of the most heart-wrenching cutscenes in the entire game. You might as well have played a laugh track over it. It’s not enough that you talk to the characters and maybe sometimes go on an outing with them, nope, you have to do a 6 chain side quest of killing monsters and playing mini-games, or looking for locations from a photograph, or crafting an object for the local idiot. There’s literally one Yuffie quest where a character you don’t remember from the Intermission DLC basically says “Hi” to you, then you run around the entire map looking for a monster for 30 minutes just for him to leave and have nothing else to add. It was worth it to get brownie points for Yuffie and unlock better dialogue for her that actually rules, but did they really have to make you work that hard for it? I guarantee no one will remember these quests in like 6 months.

It just blows honestly, because they put so much care into fleshing these characters out to the extreme. Their friendships are more prevalent and actually matter in this game. The comedy is funny when it hits and there’s sprinkles of silly moments that work well in making Cloud less of a hardass and more of a softie as the game progresses. I have never given a shit about shipping in this game, and it doesn’t matter here because they finally give those fans what they want if they work for it, so just about everyone is happy. Aerith and Tifa are actually friends and not weird competition, it’s so refreshing. And no matter how you feel about the narrative changes, the plot of FF7 is still just as fascinating as it ever was so the game is fantastic when you’re actually going through the main events. This has got to be one of the most rag-tag cast of characters in the whole series, maybe right next to IX’s gaggle of weirdos, and I genuinely care about what happens to them so of course I want to unlock all of their special dialogues. It’s just so unfortunate that it’s all bogged down by the most monotonous content ever. The writing prevents the game from being less ass than it could be, but it also could be so much better at the same time.

This link is everything I have to say about spoiler territory. Click at your own discretion.

Some other random things I felt: I’m glad that they introduced a fast travel mechanic because it's the one thing that doesn't waste your time. It’s not just a fast-travel at chocobo stops, but just about any location you discover has the ability to teleport to it. Without that, it would suck. The landscapes are amazing and so beautiful, but it came at the cost of mobility. Everytime my chocobo clipped onto a rock or refused to leap off of a small cliff, part of my soul cracked. It just made travel a pain in the ass sometimes, especially in the rocky, ruin like areas. Every action from getting out of the dune buggy and sitting on benches would feel excruciating because Cloud would always pause for a second before and after doing it, just breaking up the flow of the mobility for no real reason. I really hope they fix this in the next game because it was just another thing in it that started off kind of annoying, but then grew to extreme displeasure as the game went on. Selena is by far the best chocobo though.

The game over screen is worded atrociously. The multiple options to reload are confusing and I learned the hard way that reloading a checkpoint instead of a battle was a deathly mistake. These needed to either not exist or be rephrased differently. Why on God’s green Earth would I ever want to go back 3 hours on reload? It’s also really awful that you can’t adjust game settings mid-combat. More like ASScessible if you ask me. There’s no real reason for this, especially when some fights are right after cutscenes because the reload brings you right back to the fight, not before it. It made a certain Chapter 12 fight so fucking annoying to do because the NPCs wouldn’t shut the hell up the whole time. Jesus Christ. Imagine someone needed to adjust color blind filters or some other visible- oh wait, there aren’t any accessibility features at all, except for the scary yellow paint everyone pooped their pants about.

I really did want to like more of this game but it seemed as the longer it went on, the more psychotic I felt. I have found out how much of a pushover I truly am because of this game at the detriment of my own sanity. Critiquing this game seems to be an act of war in some parts, like having criticism for it is somehow removing the mask that I'm actually a gluttonous consumer that doesn't appreciate the art of games, which is nonsense. This toilet is art and I'd piss on that too. I'm glad that people found things to love in this game, and while it is beautiful, it is much more boring than anything else. There’s so much that I liked and yet so much that I hated, so I can only hope that the final game fixes a lot of the issues I have. I’m not going to hold my breath though because that’s exactly what I said in my review for Remake. This story never needed three 60+ hour games to tell itself and it’s getting more clear as time goes on. If the combat stays the same or changes for the better again, then I’m willing to see it through to the end. I'm already 2 games deep and I want to see where the story is going, but I imagine this game without the combat fixes and shudder at the possibility of its existence. We'll see in another 4 or so years.

Within the first 5 seconds of freedom this game gave me, I immediately picked up the kitchen knife and used it in probably the worst way possible. The game didn’t stop me and it also didn't seem to care, and neither did I. But that was probably the worst way possible to start this game, because as it dragged on for hours the main thought in my head was, “We were cooking on the first route” which should have ended the game. Instead I was trapped in a torture chamber of nonsensical solutions and horrible dialogue delivery, with an ending that wasn’t even interesting enough to be worth the painful drawl. The image of Daisy Ridley’s weird polygonal feet are scarred into my brain forever.

While I find the trial and error bit of gameplay to be rather neat, it’s done in such an excruciatingly painful way here. Every do-over lacks the ability to skip the cinematics so you’ll feel your body rapidly age with every scene you’re forced to watch on repeat. The lack of options your character gets to work with are frustrating and unrealistic. The characters shamble around like zombies and there’s zero way to speed up the process to get back to a later segment in the timeline aside from some line skips. I guess had they implemented such a silly concept then the game would quite literally be 12 minutes long. Instead, you sit through hours of trying out the smallest changes, only to awkwardly miss-click something and have to redo the whole process again. With every make-out session your wife assaults you with unprompted at the beginning of every loop, the more reptilian I felt while playing this game. How icky it made me feel while I slowly became an iguana.

You’d think a game that allows you to stab the shit out of your wife in the first five seconds would have literally anything to say about violence or impatience or domestic abuse or literally anything? Maybe it’d point a finger at me and go, “You’re part of the problem!!” and question my immediate conclusion to stretch the game's choices to it’s most inhumane limits. Nope. It meant nothing, like it was just something cool you could do for the sake of it. Violence is actually the only way to siphon any useful information from any of the characters, in fact the peaceful communicative solutions don’t even open up until after you’ve murdered so it’s not like it’s not encouraged. But, it literally doesn’t acknowledge this as something awful nor does it affect your character in any real way. The game does not care, so why should you? Allowing me to start the game with the ability to do this really set itself up for failure. It never challenged my thought process, so I just simply progressed with not giving a shit. It's almost like game interactivity has a way of affecting the player if it's implemented in a meaningful way instead of just existing for "artistic" shock value.

At the end of the day, does it even matter? I went through all this effort just to land on a conclusion that I said out loud as a joke. When the twist happened and that joke ended up being the reality, oh fuck off. This is it. It’s just a game that let me murder my wife in the first 5 seconds of it and nothing else. Riveting stuff, guys.

How they got James McAvoy, Willem Dafoe, and Daisy Ridley involved in this is insanely hilarious. They sound like they’re phoning it in the whole time, like they don’t even believe in this game’s bullshit themselves. It’s artistic, I’ll give it that. But, am I buying it? No. I ate chocolate mousse while a man screamed at my wife and hogtied her to the floor right in front of me. Neat.

I remember back when I first got my PC this game was so enticing, being one of the few games I was able to play with my friends, despite my bad GPU and low skill, and it was fun for a while with friends but oh so frustrating grinding by myself.
I'm glad my PC gave up on the game because it actually drove me to violence (on inanimate objects). The gameplay was pretty fun and the diversity of characters was unheard of for me honestly but my low skill made playing so crushing and brutal I had to stop.

A multiplayer nightmare (in a bad way)

Lobbies full of sweaties who take it WAY too serious, and constant meta balancing that completely ruins characters you spent money on or just changes how the entire game works.

The worst update is the addition of a countdown after someone escapes, forcing all other players to prioritize escaping rather than helping or playing mind-games with your victims. No longer having a standoff with a killer who is blocking the door and having to use Navy Seal tier stealth tactics to maneuver around a map , hoping to find the Hatch before the Killer finds you. Now it's "hurry up, get this game over with, we have more mediocre matches for you to play"

I'm relatively new to the 2D sonic games, but of the ones I've played, I think I enjoyed this the least. I wanted to enjoy it more, but I kept finding myself getting frustrated over silly little one-hit crushing deaths, or time-outs from getting utterly lost in Sandopolis.

The music in this game did rule though, so I really appreciated that. I'm glad I played through this as both Sonic and Knuckles, but I think I'd rather stick to Sonic 1 or 2.

Some of the most unique minigames that take full advantage of the controls

Many of these minigames have wibbly-wobbly controls, but it actual works in this one, and the ones that don't have everyone struggling with it, not just you

Characters have a unique system where they come with a personal dice, making a bit of extra strategy with who you pick. You can even get additional dice midgame to expand your choices, but can lead to just steamrolling/getting steamrolled from the armada that someone has on their team.

The biggest crux of this game is the maps, they are HORRENDOUS, arguably only 1 map is even remotely enjoyable. You are often screwed over by being stuck in RNG hell or begging the game to hand you a Golden Pipe so you can just get a star.

Great party game, definitely one to consider at the family cookout :)

What's on the menu tonight, boys? Invisible food.

So, I'm not really sure if this used to be as buggy as it is now or if I just never noticed, but taking your Sims to a restaurant is kind of a miserable experience. Like, it's an all day excursion. Take PTO because you're gonna be stuck there until 3:00 AM when you really just wanted to go on a date night with your husband. I'm not really sure what the issue is honestly, maybe all of the furniture just short circuits all of the Sim's brains and gives them stupid idiot disease, or quite possibly they all have some serious ADHD because it's almost impossible to keep them seated for even 5 minutes.

The waiter is a pregnant alien and the chef is a robot who keeps shutting himself down mid-shift. There's a thunderstorm outside so everyone is running around in fear. The bathroom is too far away so there's piss puddles all over the floor. The guy sitting next to me keeps eating everyone else's food. I ordered my appetizer 6 hours ago and it still hasn't come. An old person just died in the lobby and a celebrity is screaming songs into the open mic. It's nothing but CHAOS!!!!

I appreciate the sheer amount of possibilities that could happen, but I seriously don't recommend bringing more than one Sim to one of these things. It's funny for like 10 minutes, but it does quickly turn into a migraine. I went to a restaurant everyday to fulfill the Experimental Food Collection, and that's really it. She ate 3 meals in one sitting each time and can now craft the most disastrous artisanal foods you can think of. Squid tentacle à la Mode if you will. Nothing but the finest cuisine over here, except for when you order something and it comes invisible like the waiter is pulling the biggest prank and charges you for it anyways. Dickhead!!!

Aside from that, there's really nothing else other than the gameplay. Having no Aspiration is a bit weird because in this pack you can actually own your own restaurant, unlike the Spa Day pack. You can actively choose the staff and take care of your guests, which is rather nice but there's really no incentive to do it without an Aspiration though. (Unless you really want to live your restaurant owner fantasy). Being in direct control of the operation helps it run a bit better and you're actually paid for a full night. I'd definitely rank this above Spa Day even with the bugs just because of that alone.

I like the ideas a lot with this one but it's probably the buggiest pack out of them all. It's been patched multiple times throughout it's entire lifespan and it seems they just can't figure out how to get it to function normally with all the other DLC throwing wrenches into the Sim AI. With every other expansion pack added into your game, this one breaks again. It's not a super necessary pack to have for a full experience of this game, so I wouldn't buy it again personally. However, if you're a true psycho you can feed unsanitary sushi to your guests and literally murder them with it, so there's that.

Maybe Dine In instead.

A walking sim that tries to accurately portray blindness and fails. I'm legally blind. I appreciate their effort but it's not a fun game.

First off, this game is pretty.The watercolor graphics are nice. It controls fine. It does have a few good ideas. The whole noise system is neat. She hears something but doesn't know what it is. Only figures it out when she is close. Cute idea. Kind of accurate to real life.

So as I said, this is a walking sim. It's pretty much only walking. Painfully slow walking. I get it, she can't see and thus walks slow. But it's not fun.

Okay here is where I get real critical. The story. It's cute, but there are some major issues in terms of accuracy. I want to remind you, I'm legally blind.

First, this is like an 8 year old girl. Where are her parents? And why would any adult leave her unsupervised knowing she is blind. That's bad parenting.

Secondly, where is her cane? She should know how to use a cane as this point. She is 10 and as far as we know, she was born blind. As someone who uses a cane for their sight, it is beyond me, why she doesn't have one. If she would one, have more confidence walking around and two, not fall, trip and struggle so much.

Like I appreciate the devs tried to make a game about someone who is blind. I appreciate they tried to convey a blind person's experiences of the world. However, I don't feel like they spoke to anyone in the visually impaired community.

The game is soooo tedious with such an obvious story. A for effort but fails in most ways.