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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

November 6, 2022

Platforms Played


The game..... is really good. But IDK why it just doesnt click with me.

The art style is amazing, the graphics, atmosphere, and design are outstanding. Animations, backgrounds, enemies, just wow, holy shit

The gameplay is also good. It's a hardcore Metroidvania focused more on platforming rather than combat(even though the combat is also a huge part of the game). The exploration is nice, with a lot of shortcuts, different areas, different obstacles, and different enemy types..... On paper, it all sounds perfect. Hollow knight with pixel graphics? Hell yeah, dude.

But.... It kinda lacks progression for my liking and some abilities here and there. Maybe in the late game, it will be more apparent, but I played about 5-7 hours and the gameplay didn't change at all... There are some items, but I didn't find anything interesting, even though I'm pretty sure you can do builts n shit, which is great.
The main problem with this game that I have is, well, frustration. IK about git gud and everything, but I'm just so intolerable of platforming, and in this game, you will die mostly because of this...... Platforming and just so many enemies or bullshit traps......

I'm usually fine with this type of shit, I would say I even like it. But I like it only when the game clicks, when it doesn't, it just becomes so annoying.

IDK i think this game is kinda a hidden gem, the more I write and think about it, the more I wanna give it a second chance and fall in love with it I'm pretty sure I will. But for now, the whole experience is just too frustrating