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1 day

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November 14, 2022

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Okay so, finally I finished dead space trilogy.
This one is fine, I was expecting much much much worse. But it's a nice addition

I finished this game solo, but I assume it's fun af in coop

So let's talk about horror and gameplay. Horror, well, is kinda not present. There are some horror elements here and there, some corpses that suddenly become necros and stuff like that, but yeah, almost no horror here. Not only the screamers and scary scenes, but also the atmosphere is nothing like prev games(not bad as per say, but very different and action-oriented).
Action however is go0d, especially in the mid-game. You have some more options to move(crouch and roll) even tho you don't need to use it almost ever but sure why not. But the fun comes from the weapons. With the new crafting system you can create really fun BUILDS(yeap, BUILDS) and play how you like(melee build, explosion build, sniper build, etc...). I can imagine how fun it is in the coop. But, but, but, the enemies tho..... First of all, they are nothing new, they have new visuals, but they are pretty much the same from the last games(expect human enemies but they are just boring). At first, they are pretty tough, cuz you don't have a good weapon(and don't understand how the crafting works cuz it's confusing af). So the best gameplay comes in the middle part of the game when the weapons are fun but the enemies are not sponges yet.... And then.... The "black" enemies. They are end-game enemies and the exact copies of the regular ones but with some black skins. And they are just sponges..... You have to shoot the leg like 4 times to rip it off, which is just... not fun

So, early game --- somewhat similar to old-games - survival hard-ish game
Middle game - fun action game, make builds go brrrr
End game - google best builds or just suffer

But story........ oh wow... it's bad. Not only that the atmosphere is just bad, but there also are a lot of characters, some love triangles, and some human main villain and it's so boring holy shit, and the story drags and drags and drags for so long. It's only 13 hours but feels like 30. The lore is awesome tho, but the story ughhhhh. Just watch a youtube video to learn the lore deadass

So yeah, the game is actually fun af. It's not similar to the old games, but honestly, I don't have a problem with it. The story tho is bullshit.