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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

November 16, 2022

Platforms Played


it's fun

I liked the original games when I was a kid and always wanted to play this one. I'm not the biggest fan of the tv series cuz I only watched like 1 season(I'm currently watching the rest!!!) but I always was a slut for clone wars, my fav era of star wars

So yeah, about the game. it's fun. It's a lego game so take it as you want - easy af, no dying, collectathon and just general simple gameplay. But it has some new stuff: now every jedi has its one animation, and clones also have different roles and ofc ground battles. They are fun, even tho some missions are annoying, but generally speaking, a really welcome feature and fits perfectly with the "clone wars"

Thankfully I cured my gaming OCD and was able to just finish levels without getting true jedi or other stuff. But once I got the x2 upgrade, I started doing that since it was way too easy to get kek

So yeah, good game, clone wars are rat