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March 17, 2023

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yo this game is fun

I liked the first one quite a lot and I was really really excited for this one to come out. When I first saw the trailer in 2013 or 2014 oh man I was hyped af. But then... I kinda stopped playing games when this one came out, but I watched the reviews and they were saying that this game sux, open world sux, gameplay sux, and so on. It kinda discouraged me from playing it

But this month I decided why not to try it. And oh boi, it's fun.
Before we start, once you start the game, YOU HAVE TO CHANGE THE FOV TO 90. When I started playing it felt so slow, and I didn't even know that you can change it(cuz consoles). But when I found this option, oh boi, it changes the game so much. Deadass should be 90 per default

So in terms of gameplay - it's fucking fun. It's fast, the red ghost system shows you where to go, so you can run from point a to point b in a continuous fun flow if you manage to do everything right. if you don't you will lose the momentum, so ya gotta know what you r doing. It's not difficult, and once you understand the system, you can tweak ur path here and there to be even faster than the ghost's suggestion.

It reminded me a lot of spider man. While both open worlds and ya gotta run through the entire city just to start the mission, I never ever wanted to use fast travel, cuz it's just so goddamn fun to do it on ur own. Ya will get more upgrades and such, that will allow you to travel even faster and do more tricks, but even with no upgrades it's fun

The combat is also cool. As in the previous game, it's better to avoid combat(i think there are only 2 missions where it's unavoidable), and the game handles it pretty well. The more momentum you have, the more health you have. You stop running -> you have little health and also fewer opportunities to escape. So you are encouraged to avoid them and do it fast, cuz you won't be damaged. While if you stop and trynna fight them, well. you can avoid getting hits, but why would you do that? But even the combat by itself is pretty fun. You have kicks and punches, BUT, the most damaging moves are the environmental ones( wall kick, kick from the above, etc..). So even during the combat, you are encouraged to run around and use badass moves(wall kick is deadass op). Shit feels really good.

There is a progression tree, and it's fine. Not much to it, IK a lot of ppl complained about it, but idk, it doesn't do much and is not that important(which is why I understand the complaints)

The OST is fucking amazing. Once you enter the purple district oh man...... The ost is just banger

Now the bads:
1) story. As in the previous one, the story sucks. It's just boring and the characters, uhhh. While the acting and delivery was good, they are just boring. Icarus is the only one that I liked, but even he didn't get any progression. Faith is just bleh, Plastic is kinda fun, but also annoying, Noah, Rebeca and the rest are just nah
2) Artstyle - it's cyberpunk now, which is kinda a letdown. While it's still beautiful and the landscapes are amazing, it just doesn't hit the same as the minimalism of the first game. There are a lot of lights, and lenses, everything is just so "clean" and white. Too many colors for ME game, but yet, to little for cyberpunk. It's good, but the art style of the first game is just soooo much better
3) Worldbuilding - again, the world is just too clean. You don't see ppl(just random npc quest givers), the apartments are just big empty white rooms with beds. I didn't feel like this place could be real, and the characters also don't give a shit about it, they are only talking about the story, not the world. It was also like that in the first one, but that's just something I wish for.

So overall very fun game. Gameplay wise is better than the first one, but lacks in artsyle
Ost is banger tho
I'm ready for ME3