10 reviews liked by mikmind

And now the inverse of Ashes. This is probably the best thing to come out of this franchise! As good as Miyizaki and Co have been at ending their games in the past, they never managed to match satisfying narrative closure with genuinely compelling and cinematic gameplay, until this of course.

Very consciously the grand finale of the entire Dark Souls series, but it works through sheer overwhelming force. I like its conclusion at the end of time immensely, how it ties into the circularity of the series' prior narratives and how it nicely deflates the slightly overcooked fanservice of the base game (benefiting both this and DS3 on the whole, for my money). But what I really like, and what everyone likes, is that these are the best areas and bosses they ever made.

Touching down into The Ringed City is a visual moment so jaw-dropping that it reverberates back through the entire series. Clearly, From must have felt this too, Elden Ring constantly strains for moments of visual splendour, and there are so many incredible ones, but none are this exuberant.

These gorgeous sights are matched with delightful challenges and my favourite recurring NPC in any of these games (weirdo bug man that jumpscares you with poetry recitals). And then there are the boss fights.

I think these bosses broke From's collective brain. They're desperately chasing the high these fights provided, to no avail. Sekiro one-upped this by inventing a new combat system whole-cloth but returning to the Dark Souls style, they've no idea what to do. How can you make a gank fight more exciting than Demon Prince? How can you do a traditional dragon fight better than Midir? How can you conceivably make a Souls boss that surpasses Slave Knight Gael? Answer: you can't!

Gael is a peak of the art form for me, a ferocious ballet that pulls no punches but takes no shortcuts, inviting you to either keep up or die. This is the ideal of this style of boss fight, and it justifies itself completely as the culmination of an entire cultural phenomenon.

Is it the hardest boss they'd ever make? No. Will they ever be able to surpass its perfect blend of difficulty, spectacle and escalation within the context of the Dark Souls formula? I'd love to see it. But if Melania is the kind of thing they're reaching for as the next step, it's never going to happen.

Minus half a star for the dip-shit 4th boss of the DLC. Probably forgot he was there didn't you? But I remember. A single, baffling, blotch on an otherwise perfect canvas.

Space Marine appeals with an immediately-apparent complexity in its setting. That somewhat carries over into the gameplay itself, in a cover-shooter that isn't actually a cover-shooter. Yes, the player is basically a walking tank, intended to kill everything in sight before shields and health are completely chipped away. You can sap health from enemies, too, but it's such a protracted process that it's not really worth it. To that end, an easier difficulty setting may ease frustrations.

Amazing atmosphere, gameplay and actually pretty scary. The story was interesting and compelling, such a great RE game overall. I liked it way more than Village. The sad story of the Baker family was very well presented.

When I was a teenager, I was living in Russia, and like any Russian gamer of the time, I was a fan of the Russian YouTube sensation - Ilya Maddyson. The man earned the reputation of "the Russian AVGN", although the comparison wasn't very apt. Unlike James Rolfe, he didn't put much effort in the production, and his humor was more mature, dark and cynical. He was comparable in the way he popularized the idea of a YouTuber and inspired many to copy his style though.

At some point he began drifting away from YouTube and into the Twitch space, which I don't follow much. And, IIRC, it was around this time that he co-developed this game. At first opportunity I bought it on Steam, but didn't play it for years. And then in 2019 Maddyson, who at this point was rarely doing any YouTube videos, released to my surprise a very patriotic, nationalistic review of Call of Duty Modern Warfare (2019), where he was ranting about how that game was anti-Russian propaganda. This was very bizarre to me. Not only because the game rightfully criticized Russian involvement in the Syrian conflict (though in the typically primitive and clueless CoD manner), which Russia fully deserved to be condemned for (though tbf America did too, perhaps even more so, but this is whataboutism), but because it was weird coming from someone with such cynical and dark humor, who had never in his whole career made an impression that he was some kinda right-wing patriot. So anyway, I stopped watching any of his content, and this game got kinda buried in my Steam library.

Today I decided to check it out for trading cards (which I sell to purchase cheap games on sale). I couldn't last more than 16 minutes in this game. So, think of this "review" what you want. I suppose it's a bad review, but I don't care.

Upon launch you are greeted with a jokey content warning, which appears very slowly before the logos of the company and the game. It wouldn't be a big deal, except every time you exit to the menu, you have to sit through this shit.

When you start a new game, you have to create a character. The portraits you can select are all Russian internet personalities and perhaps some other personalities I'm not aware of. You then need to allocate your skill points to a huge list of arbitrary parameters, which immediately makes it clear that the game is just taking the piss and none of this will matter. I named my character Maddyson, selected his actual portrait and dumped all my skill points into "sense of humor". Then I couldn't figure out why I couldn't start the game. The button was just unclickable. I spent a couple of minutes before I realized you have to write the bio, and you have to reach the character limit on it (???).

Once you start the game, you are greeted by another internet "celebrity", Victor Zuev, a video game journalist who was a prominent member (and possibly co-founder?) of kanobu.ru, a popular video game related website in the late 2000s-early 2010s, and apparently is now an employee of 1C Publishing. Recently he got famous for replying to the news of the death of a prominent video game pirate[=preserver] with "burn in hell, you fucking pirate" and then compared him to Hitler and accused him of committing a genocide of developers.

Anyway, Zuev dumps a bunch of lore on you with pretty funny jokes interspersed there, then asks you to do a quest for him. You have to respond by typing a text command like in the old DOS games. Not sure why they decided to go with this antiquated mechanic, but I think again they're just taking the piss. Because practically anything you type will result in Zuev saying something like "I don't understand what you saying [sic]. Some words were forgotten after the radioactive big bang" etc. etc. And while he's saying that to you, you can't skip that or begin typing the next reply. You have to sit there and wait.

The game offers you hints. If you click on them, it says:
"reply with:
1. yes
2. no
3. Just type something else"

Which is a terrible hint, because only "yes" here will yield any results. Typing "no" will always give the answer "Faggots know!" which is an awkward translation of a popular Russian idiom: A reply to "nyet ["no"]", which sounds as "pidora otvet" and means "the response of a faggot". It rhymes, so it's supposed to be funny. And since Russia is a backwards and bigoted nation, nobody cares that it's homophobic. Here though, it's more like an ironic usage, injecting this supposed Fallout-esque post-apocalyptic adventure with the self-aware degeneracy of Russian everyday life.

Once you reply "yes", Zuev says "You seem to lack enthusiasm. Are you sure you're ready", to which the only right answer is "I'm ready". Anything else will again yiled the "I don't understand you... bla bla bla" response. After which he finally stops talking to you and a tutorial prompt pops up telling you to press D to walk to the right. So naturally I first pressed D, but then pressed A to make sure I can walk in both directions. I think this is a normal instinctual reaction. But the game immediately gives me a game-over screen saying something like "you tried to go against the system, but the system turned out to be stronger". Again, clearly taking the piss. And now I'd have to go through the entire first dialogue again. I'm sorry, but this is too much for me.

I feel like this game is more interested in subverting expectations and being an anti-game. I don't really care for that. I don't like to be tortured for some kinda practical joke. The dialogues are somewhat funny here, and the music seems nice, but that's not worth suffering through the intentionally atrocious gameplay for.

You know, it's easy to trash Bioware until you play something like this. The writing in this game is atrocious. In 50 minutes not a single interesting character, event or concept, not even a decent mood-building.

The visuals and sound have to do the heavy lifting here, and they manage. Especially the illustrations in the interface and loading screens. But you can only do so much with visulas in a Lovecraftian game. This whole brand of horror is about telling, not showing. And of course the lead writer has no ideas how to create horror. No subtlety. Just throw violence at the players with some dark ambient music. With this cartoony art style this is even worse than it would've been otherwise.

I really liked the character creation and class system, but I have an issue with Lovecraftian games gamifying insanity. When it's just a stat, it loses the essence of it as a literary concept. Lovecraft's parents were both committed to a lunatic asylum. Insanity was one of the largest themes in his stories, and served as a tool for the unreliable narration and to convey horrors beyond human comprehension. Here it's just a number.

The combat is very standard turn-based affair. But it does get kinda ridiculous here due to the nature of the setting. For example, I walked into a building and was ambushed by a few unarmed lunatics. I am a sane and experienced detective with a revolver. Who do you think won in this situation? That's right, the lunatics. Makes sense.

Anyway, a game like this is as good as its writing, and I am genuinely baffled how writers like this have jobs in this business. It's almost like the video game industry doesn't want to hire real writers, but instead look for guys who can dish out random content to fill the game world with. I heard Ubisoft is starting to use AI for their games, and many people are outraged. I'm not. Because guess what? Nothing's gonna change. This writing is already as lifeless as if it was generated by AI. Kinda can't wait for all major developers to embrace AI, so that these hacks would lose their jobs.

Kill a man, and you are a murderer. Kill everyone, and you are a god. - Barack Obama

Last time I played this game it was about three years ago. The first time I played this game was probably 2014. I played it again tonight (as of February 17, 2023, at 11:00 PM) to have it fresh on my mind.

This game is absurd, intense, and really funny. That reads like something you would see in a Netflix description but it's my immediate take away from this game when I clicked start a new game.

"I exist and I find it nauseating." - Yukio Mishima

The game stars FemboyGenius. That's me by the way. I play Walker, Walker is me. This is all my fault, I killed everybody like OJ and I enjoyed it. Put me down like the mad dog I am.
I don't think this obviously, this is all Walker's fault! He's such a fucking loser!!!! Trying to save his Hero that saved his ass in a failed operation, he ain't gonna talk about what went down in Kabul, no surprise there!! Also he's the one that's like THERE IS NO OTHER OPTIONS! That's HIS problem. Not mine! Speaking of options!

"White phosphorus is a common allotrope used in many types of munitions. It can set fire to cloth, fuel, ammunition, and flesh." - Kane

This part of the game is especially stupid when the thing I did right before this is sticking my neck out in a boring scripted stealth segment, so I can save TWO civilians instead of just going guns blazing to save some CIA cunt. So IMMEDIATELY after we come to the white phosphorus section, where the guy who wanted to save two civilians is like damn there are so many of these 343s units, let's use the artillery! Then the other guy is like oooh jeez boss are you sure?? This may not be it boss.. Just for Walker to then say the epic line of "WE DON'T GOT A CHOICE." The fuck you mean??? You just had one a moment ago! But all of a sudden this is it? Make it make sense!! He goes out of his way to save two civilians but not when its hundreds or a whole city worth of them? One could say that Walker didn't know about the refugees but on the drone screen its like.. so fucking obvious? At that point to when launching the shit the only thing that's standing between them and the refugees is just ONE Humvee. You kill all those people just to take out one Humvee! All the other choices in this game are so irrelevant and dull. It all resorts to "Shoot this guy? Or.. This guy!"

"If Lugo were still alive, he would likely suffer from PTSD. So, really, he's the lucky one." - My Therapist

The combat is probably what I should've talked about first but I don't know, MAN. What is there to talk about? Anyone that fucking uses this site KNOWS what this game is. All I will say is that I think this game is hilariously similar to Metal Gear Rising. It's an ok shooter/action game which has boring stealth elements, the dumbest narrative ever, and it tries to make you feel bad with its combat but also rewards you for your brutality. Both of these games try to be critical with the protag/your actions but then do a double flip and go HGH rage mode!

"It's time for you to wake up." - My mom.

Revisiting this game really got me to realize how stupid this game is. I know I keep saying this but what else can I say? It's stupid! Everyone that got mad because they felt like they were "tricked" by this game is stupid too! You want to know why? Because all these military games do is trick you, this one was just dumb enough to tell you.

"WW2 was my idea." - Franklin D. Roosevelt

What do you know about Ravenous (1999)?

It took me forever to finish this game because of how bad it was.

The game honestly on page seemed like it would be alright. It had good actors and a plot that caught my eye. The plot seemed to have heavily inspired Stranger Things which made me like it, I thought that this game had some potential because of all of these pluses, but I was wrong. The game ended up turning out to be a complete mess. The plot which I really liked was just pulled to shreds by the director of this game. The one thing that had me interested in this game was ruined, so ofcourse I wouldnt like the game that much.

There is one thing that I DO have to take note on, and that was the acting. In my opinion the acting wasnt that bad. It definitely was one of the games strongsuits. That is one of the small factors that I actually liked about this game. It was also the reason why this game didnt get a 1 star.

All in all, I just feel like this game was wasted potential, with the plot and the acting, if this game was handed to another director of some sort, I feel like this game couldve been somewhat better.

An absolutely phenomenal game. One of those zombie games that just stand out like "The Walking Dead Game" where they create actually enjoyable characters to follow along with through the game. As well as the story being very fun to play through. Definitely a game everyone should try.

Such a beautiful game. This was my introduction to the final fantasy series and what a great intro it has been. This game is one of those games that really impacts you; the type of game that you remember for years on end.

Final Fantasy 7 isn't perfect by all means. There are definitely some flaws here and there, mostly some minor points in the story, but FF7 did great with what had to be done.

I want to start off with one of the most memorable parts of the game, and that is the music. The music in this game is beautifully crafted, every song in the soundtrack was so fitting to each and every location, scene, and battle throughout the game. This is what I feel like makes FF7 like no other. I can greatly appreciate the audio staff for formulating such a wonderful soundtrack.

The story this game offers is very uniquely done. Other than the minor flaws in some points of the writing, I absolutley loved playing through this game's story. Seeing the world of gaia and how the cast progressed through it was a gift to see.

The cast is another great addition to why I feel like this game is beautiful. Every single cast member wether optional or not, added something to the story and the understanding of it. Seeing the cast grow and mature as the game goes on is great thing to see because as you play the game, you are growing with them. The entire cast is one big crazy match up, a dog?, a cyborg, a "vampire", and they all still go well together. FF7's cast is handsdown a very strong part of this experience.

The impact this game has on the gaming community undeniably can't be replicated. FF7 sparked the jrp genre for many fans and I can see why it did just that. The game is definitely worth the 30+ hours spent on it and I can say that all of those hours were enjoyed, wether it was grinding, crying, or even me just enjoying the music, this game will forever be in my heart as one of the best jrps.

2 lists liked by mikmind