just by gameplay this probably has the best feeling co-op of any game ever made. the absolute crawl of progression and no clear path for new players make it very hard to keep people sticking around w you though

i have not enjoyed this game since the first game i played of it. people will say they love civ and then never get more than 60 turns into a game. just an excuse to talk to friends

maybe the most coherent and strong thematic feeling a game will ever have . but with the extremely grindy and random nature of the whole thing I never want to beat this game again. mods are a 10/10 though

the only 3D-autocombo-anime-fighter i can see getting love for years to come. i just wish this game had more singleplayer content. the amount of love most of these characters get is more than a ton of actual big-name fighting games

it will be hard for there to ever be a better feeling open world. combat is not so interesting and mods will carry most of the experience past like 150 hours at most though

only this studio can make me interested in something i would normally not care about at all (milsims). this game feels so incredible, and zeus brings it up to a 10 easily

the best fromsoft experience. my only disappointment coming from the last bit of the game being... not nearly as exciting or interesting as i hoped, especially with the ending i went for. but this is a massive standard to set

one of the best mafia variants ever, but the devs had no idea what direction they wanted it to go nor how to market it. miss this game a lot, should have made some sort of decent tutorial to keep any of my friends around </3

so much emergent gameplay and silly stuff in this game. but especially if youare playing alone the lack of class lines and such feels like you're just grinding the same setup/scenario with each fight, and you see just about all the stuff you can use in the game in one go

a forgotten game genre . i had so much fun


just like archeblade, my favorite game genre. just boot up and fight. this shit just needed some more publicity and content. the most underrated game of all god damn time

ilwinter doesnt miss on this strategy ish. i feel like i know very little about this game but i have fun every time

there is a tiny bit of love here. but team games desperately need at least one chimpanzee pulling the balance levers and there are zero here. some fun gameplay but everything does entirely random damage

bizarre difficulty spikes but shit is gas