It’s a video game, and it’s not offensive. Music is good.

The game is good, but there are better games than this game. This game is still worth playing, but only as a jumping off point to the better games. There is also a better version of this game (PS1) that’s available on more modern systems that also includes one of the better games.



A racing game that drank a Four Loko before they took the caffeine out.

Music smokes, but the game after the first few levels takes a nose dive and becomes insanely boring. Just pull up the Q Watch v2.01 Beta and listen to that for an hour and you’re good. Perfect Dark is superior. Child me just never got far enough to realize this game was indeed not good.

A Kollection of fighting games of various quality.

Has some decent music. Unfortunately everything else is bad.

I mean… what did you expect?

Give the people what they want!!! Which is about 4 characters per franchise I guess…?

Worth checking out for research…? Maybe not.