9 reviews liked by moderatelyblind

ee-yikes!! this game is baka mi-mid!! dame da no thanks!!

we live in a nightmare world where rumbleverse had to die and this game shows up to do an ugly dance on its corpse. it's so much worse than i could have ever imagined it would be.

adorable little anniversary tribute for one of my all-time favorite games. the camera is a little awkward, but every time i play a 3D platformer i am reminded of how much i love them (and how i wish there were more)

This review was written before the game released

Tanimura will return for sure this time

Legit cried when Itchyballs said "We are Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth"

The announcer in these games is legit one of my favorite characters of all time. If 1% of people working on games were as passionate as this voice actor we would be living in a gaming utopia right now. Every time he spoke it took ever fiber of my being to not lose control while dancing and fall to the ground in respect (laughter)

First visual novel to convey not only the look of a terminally online person's room but also somehow the smell

what the fuck was this guy's problem