May, 2024




shiiit this kinda cool icl




ok im back frfr
this code talker cutscene is like the most big boss has ever talked

April, 2024



that was assssss wtf
also why is mega man "stuck on the moon"
my boy was able to fly back down before the boss fight wtf
i guess most of my questions were answered but my question is why were they all answered so late
anyway, overall thoughts - although the story is still shit, it's still a blast gameplay wise. i absolutely loved legends 1's dungeon crawling and to see it improved in this one is good to see. gameplay is a lot smoother this time around, i always found it o strange how you couldnt lock on while moving in 1, and it changes a lot. missions and bosses aren't this game's best points though - call me bad but the flying ships NEVER work well with the lock on. makes them drag on and feel way more tedious than they should be
most bosses are boring as well. claymore and that other robot to be specific, they did a whole lot of nothing throughout the game. don't even remember what they were here for, so forgettable
but yeah, they mostly can be beaten by circling around the enemy until it dies with little to no consequence, apart from like 2 late game bosses. legends 1 had a lot less bosses, but at least they had some challenge to them.
it's cool how we get to see a bigger world but the islands are nothing burgers - there's barely anyone on these islands, and when there are, they're just random npcs that don't say anything. a bit sad considering how 1 was perfect with the solidarity you get with the people of kattelox
definitely could have been fixed with legends 3 but capcom hates everyone 😔



why did they start telling all the lore near the end in one big cutscene
we haven't seen these other guys since the beginning and now there's a whole exposition dump filling the gaps
ig it answers most of my questions but that's such a shitty way to go about it


as soon as i say "we need more dungeons" they give me the worst fucking dungeon ever
what is this shit bro?? 20fps????
im losing hope they better pull off some mastermind shit to make this game good

don't know if i've already said this but bosses have been a lot more frequent and a lot more boring
majority of them can be easily beat by circling around them with very little consequence (only one that was a challenge was tron's first robot, but that was probably because i had no armour) legends 1 didn't have a lot of boss fights but at least they had variety in strategies


i HATE how many birdbot missions there have been so far
the ships always switch mid lock on and i can never get a clear hit on them so it takes aaaages for any of them to go down
so boring
not feeling these environments either, it's cool how we get to see a bigger world but the islands are nothing burgers - there's barely anyone on these islands, and when there are, they're just random npcs that don't say anything. a bit sad considering how 1 was perfect with the solidarity you get with the people of kattelox
just hoping that the story blows my mind or the game switches to more dungeons because this first part is zzz



it's cute. when people said this was a prequel i thought there was gonna be some lore to set the story in motion, but nah it's just banter between mega man and tron. i'm not mad, it was pretty funny, definitely worth the wait

Started / Finished



yessss i love this gameplay
its so strange how you couldnt lock on while moving in 1 this is a game changer
bosses are kinda meh though - all of them so far are just bosses that require circling around them the whole time
1 didn't have this problem so hopefully it gets harder later on
story so far is interesting, with us learning more about roll's parents
legends 1 felt like it left wayy too many questions unanswered and with the infamous cliffhanger im scared they're gonna do the exact same thing here
it's a blast so far though
hold up....
might put this on pause for a bit


Started / Finished



ahh that was beautiful
im kinda mad i didn't play this as a kid, definitely would have been a 10/10 then
i got used to the controls but man they hurt the game so much, gameplay is still really satisfying with its dungeon crawling and tough bosses
the entire island is a vibe too, kinda reminds me of sa1 how interconnected the whole world is, and how every npc has something of value to say and do
also im ngl the cheesy voice acting adds to the charm factor a ton, i fucking love teisel and his over the top villainous ass monologues they're so funny

though the story just feels.... rushed, with the pacing being too fast
im sitting here wondering did i miss some content because there's wayyy too much unanswered questions - like where did mega man even come from, where are roll's parents etc. or maybe its some "the real legends was the journey along the way" type bullshit i don't know
not sure if it was due to time constraints or if it was intentionally left to the sequel but man i really need more
great game




Started / Finished



back on the mega man grind, i'll hold off on the x series since most of those will be replays
i find it funny how this is the subseries i've never touched, it looks so cute and its style just oozes saturday morning cartoons, love it so much
controls are absolutely atrocious though...... the dualshock must have come out around a similar time as this game, huuuge wasted opportunity because this game suffers bad from it imo


never mind i came back to it lol
im severely underleved so we will be grinding


so they're all dragoons now..... wow....
gameplay is kinda decent but i can't stand 20fps - story feels generic so far, reminds me a lot of ff7 but doesn't have the charm that made that game so interesting. heard there's a pc port so when that gets some updates i'll return to it


ive already reached the item limit
why is it so low... wtf
hopefully this isn't something like koudelka where i cant pick up key items if my inventory is full


i got rose in my party now
each main character so far is really generic
it is only the first few hours though, so i'll take everything with a pinch of salt until something happens
i thought the gameplay would be more interesting, its just a simple time based system super mario rpg did it better
i haven't seen any dragoons yet so who knows if that will change


I'm liking the soundtrack a little bit, battle theme and mainly exploration ones are mid so far but the menu theme and another theme when I first met lavitz are pretty chill, remind me of boom bap a little bit



feels like im getting into another ff7, with a terrible translation butchering an actual good game
lmfao dart and shana remind me of cloud and tifa as well


1h 2m



played as mitsurugi. it's fine I guess
never mind the character creator looks pretty cool?
and there's darth vader as well that's funny

Started / Finished



fuck i fell in love with this game all over again
genuine masterpiece, now im pissed we didnt get a true shadow hearts 3



1h 37m



definitely worth the £2 lmao
i don't know why everyone hates this - sure it doesn't perfectly replicate the artstyle but realistically i don't think it's possible without retaining saturn-like graphics
gameplay is also pretty solid too, a bit basic compared to zwei but it's serviceable
the only thing i don't like is how its too faithful to the og - same exact gameplay, same story beats, nothing has changed
there's also no incentive to go back apart from difficulty or if you want to get the boring platinum (which i did, sadly the 100 hour one as well)
given that the og was pretty mediocre it's not surprising that the remake will be the same

Started / Finished

March, 2024


mgsv has been boring me to death so i had to come back to this