62 Reviews liked by monkey89127498

good game but it really needs to fuck off

bizarre as it sounds, it’s probably the most fleshed out and expansive star wars galaxy in a game since probably KOTOR.
as a lego game, it’s one of the very best

Most of this review is from before 100 percent completion but still completely applies.
It's good, but I can't say I like it more than Complete Saga. So so many factors go into why, but I'm just going to make an "abridged" review here (yes, this is the abridged).

One, the levels take a backstage to the open world. The open world has minimal improvement from previous installments, but has a larger amount of quests, causing it to continue having the same problems of repetition and uninteresting gameplay that the previous LEGO games have had.

Two, bugs are a pretty common occurrence. Not usually game breaking ones, but noticeable ones. Again, nothing new to the LEGO (and Traveller's Tales) scene.

Three, following up on the level design, it's arguably not an improvement on Complete Saga's. I will say that things like the lightsaber combat and star ship battles are much more fun, but things like cover shooting, quick time events and the bloated amount of walking from place to place aren't as great.

Those are my biggest issues. I have smaller nitpicks, including strange music choices (like the Naboo chase music during Dooku's battle), but they're not things that I expect anyone else to care about. I know this sounds like a pretty lengthy rant, but there are plenty of good things about the game.

The comedy is spot on. Cutscenes have even more charm than the Complete Saga ones did. Lightsaber duels, again, are awesome. If you've got a friend it's a lot of fun to play around in the hubs. Speaking of friends, puzzle quests are great for them. If there is one thing I loved about the open world it was the puzzle challenges. They are the most creative part of the game and perfect for co-op.

The worlds are beautiful. A lot of them reminded me of layouts from Battlefront 2, which were equally as beautiful. The characters themselves now are modeled to look like actual minifigures, so they have more toy-like features, and particles of snow or sand can get caught on their capes or headpieces. Poses and animations for the characters are more unique than ever before, I absolutely loved watching the different ways Jedi would swing their lightsabers.

It's kind of hard for me to rate this game at all, I'm very mixed on the overall quality of it. But I will definitely say that tons of passion went into it and it's worth a try if you've got some time to kill and a friend to do it with.

EDIT AFTER MASTERY: Wayyyy more bugs than I originally thought. Ones that stick with you permanently as well. Almost believed I was completely hardlocked multiple times. As I expected, there is nothing really rewarding about going for 100 percent, nor is than any actual reward for doing so (unless you count the trophies). With all the reused missions and terrible loading times, it's just not worth the effort.

Crying from too much peak fiction

Kaiju fighting game, not particularly technical but very fun and easy to pick up and play. Good roster of monsters who all look awesome and feel unique to play as. Most monsters need to be unlocked using points but this isn't difficult. Would recommend to anyone, even if you're not a Godzilla or fighting game fan.

pretty fun dungeon crawler that happens to have one of the most heartfelt storys in pokemon and a soundtrack that rivals the best in the medium

only childhood memory of this game is when my grandfather called the front cover "unholy" and wouldnt let me buy it

This is what Sword and Shield should have been

Rented this one from Gamefly thinking I would just mess around with it a bit and send it back. Ended up buying it because it is actually a really good game.

The setting is neat, I'm all for Greek mythology, and I really like that the story is presented in a humorous way, which is something I didn't realize before I started playing. I expected something super serious and I was pleasantly surprised. The humor is a little off at times, but it kind of reminded me of Fable, or at least what I remember of Fable (it has been quite a while since I've played those games).

It is, of course, similar to Breath of the Wild, and as a fan of botw, I think I prefer this one. It felt like there was more to do in Fenyx Rising, and that could be because the map was a little smaller and the activities were less spread out. Everywhere I looked, there was something to do. The puzzles and vaults of tartaros (which are the equivalent of botw's shrines) were fun and satisfying to complete. The collectibles were fun to... collect. I liked the combat which was made more fun through upgrades which also made me feel more powerful. There are a decent amount of weapons and armor to find and upgrade.

The story ended up being interesting. The platinum was fun to earn. I'm looking forward to playing a NG+ on a harder difficulty.

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The 2nd game based on Greek God mythology released in 2020 that I gave a 10/10 to. Hmm.

Funnily enough when I first started the game and saw how weak the customisation options were I was ready for a rather lacklustre game. But like Hades this one plays on the things I love about games so well. The constant feeling of progression and improvements from upgrades, fun and fast gameplay, great environments to explore. And speaking of customisation, while the overall starting hair/face/eyes etc options are limited, the game does the thing where you can equip one type of equipment for the stats and bonuses, but use another type for the aesthetic. I love when games do that. You can even do it for your phoenix friend. So it meant that if you found a great looking piece of armour that had terrible abilities, you can just use it for the look but wear something better for the bonuses. My main complaint about that is that you can’t save preset costumes, so you’re constantly switching based on the context of what challenge you’re facing, and late game you can have so much equipment that scrolling through it becomes a pain.

The story is maybe its weakest part, while I do think the overall story is fine, if a bit simple, the narration angle they went for definitely felt overplayed. Zeus and Prometheus do bounce off each other well, but Zeus in particular can be such a failed attempt at comedy at times that the sheer amount of him becomes overbearing. Not that the game can’t be funny, there were plenty of moments I laughed at, it’s just not consistent at all. Other characters felt enjoyable though even when their attempts at comedy weren’t great, because their personalities were just fun. I particularly loved how Ares as a chicken bonded with a random bear. The plot twist at the end was fine. It’s not super unexpected or mind-blowing, but it’s not like it felt forced, it just kinda felt like a natural part of the story.

I adore the combat in this game. Even when the game starts it’s enjoyable and rewarding with the parry and dodge, but I could see it getting old quite fast. However thanks to the many, many upgrades you end up with so many ways to engage with combat. You can just do standard close combat (which itself is broken up into many different kinds, like focusing on stunning, parrying or dodging – you get different bonuses depending on the equipment you pick), or you can do ranged combat with both a bow, or objects that can be thrown for huge damage. Or you can use the environment to your advantage and use skills to knock enemies off ledges. Multiple God powers, multiple upgrades to standard attacks all make combat so rich and satisfying.

Vaults all provide a unique challenge that test your multitude of abilities to their limit. And then there’s just some vaults that play with the games physicals, like one of them is a giant pinball game; it’s great. Outside of vaults the challenges can get a little repetitive. Things like the constellation myths just kinda throw lots of mini puzzles at you at once, many of which are similar to what you’ve done many times. Others like the navigation, lyre and arrow challenges are technically unique but all use the exact same basic skills to complete (not that they’re not fun, especially the navigation ones which will really test your movement skills). But the jigsaw challenges were really pointless. Once you’ve figured out the pattern to clear a single one you can do all of them effortlessly since they all use the exact same set-up and amount of pieces and just use a new skin for the puzzle itself. Overall though the puzzle aspect to this game felt great to solve and was a welcome break between combat encounters.

Finding solutions to epic chests can occasionally do some really creative things too. My favourite was when the game made you play tic-tac-toe with the Ai by using the fire lighting mechanics. So clever and fun.

I like how the game makes use of being open world. Since you can go to any area first (after clearing the little tutorial island) it means every area has beginner dungeons. Those dungeons can be cheesed super easily if you go to them later on with the upgraded abilities you get from grinding through the other areas first. Obviously there's a ton of vaults in every area that require full, or at least near full, upgrades to complete, but it is fun to go to clear the last area and find a dungeon that was placed for the hypothetical newbie and just skip all the puzzles because your movement options allow you to bypass the gaps that the puzzles are supposed to create paths for you.

Speaking of movement options though, I do wish the game had a faster glide and climbing upgrades somewhere along the line. Especially climbing.

The obvious Breath of the Wild comparisons come up in this game, and I don't think there's a single review that hasn't mentioned them. I have BOTW a 9, so if I'm giving this a 10 it means I think it's a better game? It's hard to say and is part of the lack of nuance with star ratings. I think BOTW peaks so much higher than this game, but I lowered BOTW's rating by half a star because it has much bigger flaws too. This game may not be as good at Breath of the Wild at its best, but after I had quickly fallen in love with it, it didn't do anything to lessen my experience. So while I might not say this game is definitely better than it's obvious inspiration, I do think it's more consistent at being good.

So yeah, really enjoyed this game. Whether I was combating, solving puzzles, climbing mountains or just generally exploring the land with its varied locales, it kept me fully immersed all the way into platinuming it.

Breath of the Wild with a sense of direction. Whether that's good or bad comes down to personal preference but I liked it. If you're pit off by the humour and narration I began cringing but found myself really warming up to it and even laughing aloud at points.

Also if you get the Limited Edition on Amazon it comes with Pride rainbow wings so I got to make the gayest little dude ever and I love him ❤

Slightly ableist, but overall I loved it. I love choice dominant games, and this did not disappoint. And Rami Malek is amazing as always.

This game is fucking stupid and I hate it. 5 stars.