9 reviews liked by mooyn

so when i meticulously craft a cohesive outfit that I'm genuinely proud of, you fold it up and put it in a bag, but when i'm just thoughtlessly clearing out my worst stock items, that's the outfit you decide to wear straight out of the store?? you loved the zebra fedora with the purple puffer vest and neon green plaid maxi skirt enough to invite me to the local park for a photoshoot of this abomination??? someone please save me from my sins

making a pact with the devil seems more appealing than playing this game

literally THE BEST game out there and bioware has not done anything better ever since. it has not done anything good actually. this is its one and only gem

this game would be so good if it was good

stardew valley is like coraline. if a hot girl or guy asks, it is my favorite game. if my friend asks, its up there, but not really my favorite

Before the Storm trades the first game's supernatural mystery for a more intimate, personal story with fewer catastrophic stakes and an equally compelling, complex central romance/friendship driving it. For these reasons and more, it avoids being a rehash of the first Life is Strange and stands tall as its own thing. Is it superior? That's up for debate, but I certainly think it's on the same level.

I was worried about how much mileage the narrative could get that hasn't already been explored with these characters in the first game, but there are still plenty of both pleasant and unpleasant surprises to be found here. I especially appreciate this game for giving me a newfound appreciation for Chloe after previously having mixed feelings about her. The way Before the Storm explores her trauma and grief is incredibly mature, and it adds a lot of context and depth to her actions and behaviors in the first game. While this was always there, to see just how tortured she is really adds to the narrative as she lets new people into her life, both willingly and unwillingly.

Unfortunately, the remastering job is still incredibly lackluster. While visually it's superior to the first game's remaster, I had two hard crashes and a bizarre (yet funny) Chloe eyeballs bug in the bonus episode.

Still, it doesn't stop Before the Storm from being a great prequel follow-up to the original with yet another catchy soundtrack.


I love this game because Rachel Amber is the coolest I wish lesbians were real.

But this was like the least needed remaster of all time. In fact the original probably runs better (and looks better in some parts). The whole remaster thing is so strange to me but the game is still fire.