Glorious Switch port.
Hilariously ancient PC port.

Gets boring fast, but holds up well.
I find it less appealing then others do.

Buggy at times, but it looks like the dev's heart is at the right place.
Played with SO and had fun.

I'm keeping coming back to this one.
What a game, and I'm not even a fan of FPS.

A pretty underrated platformer.
Has it's imperfections, and the dream sections are pretty bullshit, but I like it despite all of that.

Boring and repetitive.
A perfect way to ruin an intriguing idea, tho.

I'll pick up this one again when I'll get a better PC.


That diagonal movement would make the game a bit better.

A gem of it's time.
100%'d this one, and didn't regret at all.

A top notch platformer!
Controls are responsive, graphics are charming, level-design always keeps you interested.

It's so bare... BONES!
Yet so memorable, and I'll give it that.

An interesting take on immersive voice chat, and a pretty intriguing one. Talkative friends not included.
I must say, that mechanic is the only thing that holds the replayability, as the game on it's own is pretty repetitive. I truly hope the dev will do something about it in the future updates.