Still JRPG, yet I must say – good at this one too.

Innovative, brilliant and perfect.
My mother received motion sickness because of this game.

Such an awesome fangame. Had a lot of fun playing with real players and spending time with a pretty outgoing community.
See you around here.

Boring and repetitive.
A perfect way to ruin an intriguing idea, tho.

Good for vibes, bad for the actual gameplay.

Perfect. Play this before TOTK if you want to get a proper experience.
Without some mechanics it feels empty and unfinished, but on it's own it's a solid title, even more than that.

My favorite 2D Mario game.

I'll pick up this one again when I'll get a better PC.

Out of the water platformer experience. After years of playing New I'm getting something that respects me the way gamedesigners must respect their players.


That diagonal movement would make the game a bit better.

A gem of it's time.
100%'d this one, and didn't regret at all.