Games I Will Force Hilda To Play

Everything but the first 43 games are very very bad and potentially offensive, but hildas must endure

Played october 31st

umm... weird. my dirty dishes and flith rags are stinking more than usual. i do believe the brick of self defense will not come in handy here... the case of the killer with mental illness has yet to come to a close.
Bill & Carol
Bill & Carol
Played feb 29th 2024

Carol was put through so much. Shot at with fireworks and hit by a car. Reduced to a life of brain cancer. But she did what others couldnt do, put that bastard Bill behind bars. She will never see her precious bird again, but shes flying high. Sue. Don. Ron. Her brother, potentially named Gary. You dont ever win the game once youre in it. But you can still... make... things... right.

and i raaaaan. I ran so far ☆awaaay☆ i just RAAAAN.... i couldnt get awaaaaay. couldnt get away..... i walk along da aveneue... never thought id meet a girl like youuuuUu meet a girl like yoaauu... red ahyhrhi and shjsh eyes... the kind of eyes that me thruuuu. Hypnotize me throughhhh and I Raaannn i ran so far awayyyy i just raaaan i ran all night and adaaay
Collapse Relapse
Collapse Relapse
Dread Weight
Dread Weight
Played august 30th:
Ph my god the cooking was talking and there was a DUCK?!?!? AUUGH?? 4 SPIRITS DID YOU FIND EVERYTHING?????
Extended Stay
Extended Stay
These two are gonna be a real hoot

Played April 18th:

Might i speak to the manager about the failure prostitute i just witnessed who could only scissor and nothing more. Yes, i know she cant afford mouth animations, but surely she can work something out.
Gamer Girl
Gamer Girl
I believe it will come out
Hairy Trees Massacre
Hairy Trees Massacre
May 2024

"Dont judge a book by their cover" or so they say. sometimes this saying is right. sometimes the cover is so loud thag we drown out all other thoughts. i didnt expect her to do what she did. But she did it anyways despite the haters. she won where her father lost. shes here and he is not. she killed bigfoot and gave me.the courauge to go after a 'foot of my own. my back hurts. My eyes hurt
Hilda and the Tower of Lust
Hilda and the Tower of Lust
Played feb 1st

Please reach level 5 in Boobs and Being Licked to access this review
Iwakura Aria
Iwakura Aria
Marble Maid
Marble Maid
Feb 1st

The long lasted emotional struggle between wanting to play monkey ball, and masturbate. finally solved. Thanks man.
Moon Whistle
Moon Whistle
Neko Secret: Homecoming
Neko Secret: Homecoming
Switch store page is scary

Halfway through thid game someone started screaming outside my apartment and threatening to call the cops. But i was dressing up a scary woman. Too busy for such things. Vaginas like open wounds, must be the neko secret?
Nocturnal Visitors
Nocturnal Visitors
Pricolage: Idolized
Pricolage: Idolized
Rip Van Bubsy
Rip Van Bubsy
Dec 11th

wet paper towrl.
Sex Life
Sex Life
The Casting of Frank Stone
The Casting of Frank Stone
The Tongue of Doge
The Tongue of Doge
Under the Witch: Beginnings
Under the Witch: Beginnings
Feb 10th 2024

skip the fart scene?
A House for Alesa 3
A House for Alesa 3
May 31st 2024

Boy. Where do i begin. The constant references to alesas ass. The 15 second unskippable ass dance after every boss. The fact that there are bosses to begin with. Ass not even being called ass but constantly referred to as cake. Jokes about ass that dont even make any sense (gepetto? More like ge-ass to!). The constant, sad self references, desperately backing off the 'haters' for thinking youre weird for having your protagonist look like that. That it was funny before because it was serious but now it completely doesnt give a shit and is seriously perving over her fucking ass like its the most hilarious thing ever. Youtuber references. The ending. Why are there bosses. I cant even explain how bad the jokes are. Theyre not even jokes its just inserting the word ass or cake into words. Immature, self assassinating, sad.
Having an issue finding the rom for this game. Hilda has found "bubble bath babes" instead.

Shelved on March 17th
Hilda played it for 2 hours then gave it a lower score than fucking floigan bros what the fuck.
Case of the Mysterious Death of Keiko Haraeda
Case of the Mysterious Death of Keiko Haraeda
Played september 11th 2001

asshole game
Hansel & Gretel
Hansel & Gretel
What the fuck is this

Played may 24th:

Oouuuuuuuhh oouuuhhhhh nooooooo.... noooooooooo.....
Tag with Ryan
Tag with Ryan
Played august 11th:

New kind of adventure
New kind of adventure
Played April 23rd:

large starberries.
Stray Souls
Stray Souls
Dec 6th

ok bye martha.
Five Night At Lego World
Five Night At Lego World
Jan 1st 2024

Oh my god. I almoast lego'd all over the floor. oh my god
Hippo: Little Red Riding Hood
Hippo: Little Red Riding Hood
Played April 4th:
This game was maybe 12 minutes long. There was a dinosaur that was defied by the valorant hippo. I was playing octopath, oops
The Lord of the Rings: Gollum
The Lord of the Rings: Gollum
Played may 30th:

I fell asleep and it was such a good sleep.
Didnt even make it to the breeding grounds however, where the game really goes to die..... gollum, gollum....
Ao Oni 3
Ao Oni 3
Played on April 18th:

Apex Heroines
Apex Heroines
April 5 2024

boobi my assistant. I got a coin.
Yeah! Fighting Girl
Yeah! Fighting Girl
Jan 15th 2024

Artorias: The abyss is consuming me. i can hardly put up a fight anymore, I can feel its way clawing through my body... I can only hope for a swift end.

Debt Collector LuLu Bear: girl! You better put up a fight or i will sell you to goblins! Now do a sexy 13,000 dollar dance.
Bubble Bath Babes
Bubble Bath Babes
I wanted her to play Babe ps2.

Played 4/20:
Do you see that? Yeah.... thats right. You know
Mighty Beanz Pocket Puzzles
Mighty Beanz Pocket Puzzles
Played october 20th

i beamed it out of there. i got a super mighty bean. i dont wamt it.
My Dear Brother Jeff
My Dear Brother Jeff
Played october 20th

my dear brother jeff you were in a hospital. Many laughs at your expense, tearfully tearing eyes away from boobs to finish your game. the struggles i had trying to make hilda finish this. the desperate search for distraction. jajaja

An amendment:
Finally we can understand the story of Jeffrey dahmer the killer. His mommy go crazy and is no importance. Go away. Less boobs this time but more bad words and a slur
Skull Island: Rise of Kong
Skull Island: Rise of Kong
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Played April 12th:

no fucking way
Hololive Horror
Jan 1st 2024

sees magnifying glass on the floor
oh! its magifying glass breasts giggle this is so good chat we only need 2 more! turns around
scary girl
Charlotte's Web
Charlotte's Web

Played april 29th:
this pig is so lonely and everyone hates her and wont tell her that shes going to die. RAT?
Ore ga Omae wo Mamoru
Ore ga Omae wo Mamoru
"Metroidvania for girls"

Dec 12

thaat was not for girls. I dont know who we were protecting. It obviously wasnt me.
Hunt Down the Freeman
Hunt Down the Freeman
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Played in march or something

Who cares.
Garten of Banban 6
Garten of Banban 6
Dec 25th

This isnt funny any longer
sad, sad tears of a clown.
whirlpool of
hildas, deflated
emptied of joy
button puzzle
A House for Alesa 2
A House for Alesa 2
May 30th 2023

Mr bob is hijacking the yuri car noo

At first i thought these were satirical and made by a woman cause the way these characters look are almost never referenced. And its the same in this game. But boy. You sure let us down, partner. I should of known with the yuri references.
Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked
Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked
Played may 7th:

My life is now complete! Hilda played the coolest game ever! Dave should be nicer to Alivin (: and she earned 2 gold medals!!!!!chiptastic!!!
Kidnapped Girl
Kidnapped Girl
Played April 25th:
I don't know why I keep putting these here. They're not even funny.
MythBusters: The Game
MythBusters: The Game
Played dec 10th

uh... the grenade exploded and... uh...myth busted! soo... time to... buy stuff from my own warehouse... maybe.... i think.....where am i..
RuPaul's Drag Race Superstar
RuPaul's Drag Race Superstar
Dec 10th

Garten of Banban 4
Garten of Banban 4
Played august 10th:

Ohh opibaby bird opila bird delightfult bird so wide eyed and beautiful how could theu have done this to you you were jjst a baby a small.little baby...

Waifu Impact
Waifu Impact
Played october 31st

rhe worst day of my life, i saw her. An angel in human* form. Squirting her gun at all my foes. And then i saw another one. Doing the same thing, with a different gun. And oh... could she ever jump. was i not impressed...

¹she looked bad.
Animal Soccer World
Animal Soccer World
Life of Black Tiger
Life of Black Tiger
Played august 11th:

My sweet female tiger i will kill 7 eagles and 13 buffalo and 100 wolves and a pig for you
Silly Bandz
Silly Bandz
Teaching hilda what silly means with silly bandz

Played may 4th:
Was not expecting an angry birds clone. They didnt even look like silly bandz...
May 14th 2023





<- <- -> <--

... youve unlocked......

FEMALE !!!! Haaaahh haaaaaahhhh hah hah aaahhhhhh (awooga.)
Buff Imposter
Buff Imposter
Hilda wanted this on the list, not me

Player april 29th:
Clipped out of bounds, failed milk pick up. Game is nothing
Harvest Moon: Light of Hope
Harvest Moon: Light of Hope
Garten of Banban 3
Garten of Banban 3
Played may 6th;
Best bday gift ive ever recieved
Godzilla Unleashed: Double Smash
Godzilla Unleashed: Double Smash
Boobs Saga
Boobs Saga
Jan 12th 2024

This game LIED on its steam store page and it isnt even close to being as cool as honey select or my FAVORITE GAME Live Stream One AND Two and it was STUPID and I hated it and it was really, really, very, bad. You ARE responsible. Dont even lie to me
Wally Bear and the NO! Gang
Wally Bear and the NO! Gang
Hannah Montana
Hannah Montana
Spice World
Spice World
Played April 12:

If you wanna be my lover if you wanna be my lover if you wanna be my lover if you wanna be my lover if you wanna be my lover if you
Hell's Kitchen: The Game
Hell's Kitchen: The Game
"Jesse we have to cook" - hilda (white)

Played March 27th: Gordon was a very. Proud. Man.
At Your Feet
At Your Feet
Introvert: A Teenager Simulator
Introvert: A Teenager Simulator
Tonyzaret video

Played 26th feb 2024

So... yeah. My furry girlfriend turned out to be an actually werewolf, but before we could get to first base this nerd in my class brought out a shotgun and threatened to shoot up the school! And i was like uhmmmm so that just happened??? I mean, who brings a SHOTGUN to a school shooting. Thats cringier than the time my teacher interrupted class to t pose! Anyways, that basically sums up my #awkwardsauce life
Anime Standing
Anime Standing
Play April 23rd:
Push barrel up hill for more information about our scary baddie boobie game
Bob the Builder: Can We Fix It?
Bob the Builder: Can We Fix It?
The Visitor
The Visitor
Played may 21st:

That boy got lost in the woods and his dad did not care. Wife makes dinner and BECOMES dinner! Shit eating kid gets served, what a fail.... jpg of old woman.... jpg of troll.....
Killer Bear
Killer Bear
Played April 22nd:

It's thr killar!!! Aaaa!!!!!! Loop the killar.... get on gens..m. sprint burst .. . .
Mr. Bean's Wacky World
Mr. Bean's Wacky World
Played april 29th:

Game was suprisingly cute but i beaned it out of there quick
Squirts older sister

Play july 18th:

Uh, kind of a sleepy type spray. Definitely a vomit and spit type spray. A bit slime too. Gdq submission soon.
Don't Scream
Don't Scream
Dec 7th

Interesting concept. I am excited to scream or laugh more in full release
That's So Raven
That's So Raven
December 20th

omg shes about to be crushed by that falling tv! but my clothes got dirrty.. life is so hard and im so yucky.... jesus fucking christ
Anonymous Agony
Anonymous Agony
Played august 5th:
I do not believe this game opens with a 2 hour cutscene about a very threatening man named jokester54.
Austin Powers: Oh, Behave!
Austin Powers: Oh, Behave!
Played on April 17th:

Sex? Yes please!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Played again April 21st:
I no longer associate with Mr. Powers
Cat Milk
Cat Milk
Played september 1st:
Holy fucign shit dhe .jumped that .cat off so many buildings
My Friend Peppa Pig
My Friend Peppa Pig
You will never be finfin (on planet teo)
Dear Red: Extended
Dear Red: Extended
Dec 2nd

Oni Asobi
Oni Asobi
Played may 21st:
I thought this might be similar to ao oni but it wasnt

I was playing dinkum.... my pleep grew up into a big pleep. yayaayayay
See No Fear
See No Fear

Played April 4th: you move very slow and there's so many invisible walls.
Silent Hill f
Silent Hill f
Sukutte: Save Me...
Sukutte: Save Me...
Played April 23:

I am so glad to play games with strong and courageous women in them
The Diner
The Diner
Played june 4th:

I go to the diner to get my diner popcorn and it is so fucking dark that i just wander around for 5 minutes and then the game ends.
Webkinz Next
Webkinz Next
Mirror 2: Project X
Mirror 2: Project X
Discovered through a game called "novastella Island", which was apparently supposed to be an adult game that got changed into a farming sim (very obvious).

played at some point

I wasnt texting the whole time i remember everything like uhhmm ms naoki and the boobs and the mirrors and the dramaa. And that lady. And the curse. And the puzzle.
The Future You've Been Dreaming Of
The Future You've Been Dreaming Of
Dec 22nd

She masturbated her ankles. this god damn clutz. cant do anything right.
Back at the Barnyard: Slop Bucket Games
Back at the Barnyard: Slop Bucket Games
Played july 12th:

There were so many tears. So much sadness. Visceral embarassment to the hands of Pig. But there could only be one to win the Slop Bucket Challenge. One who slopped it better than anyone ever could. And that person was, of course... Player.
Choo Choo Survivor
Choo Choo Survivor
Played august 7th:
5 second game. did not survive.
Garten of Banban 5
Garten of Banban 5
Herdy Gerdy
Herdy Gerdy
The Sopranos: Road to Respect
The Sopranos: Road to Respect
Played may 30th:
Sopranos knowledge 0 but was expecting worse. Controls like Yakuza ripping GTA's eyes out. but theres massive chest in this game WITH. NIPPLE. oh my god! Squirt.
YOU WILL finish ms lemons so help me god....

March 18th replayed, ms lemons is filth
Played April 23:

slender? Woman slender? female slender sauntering sexily down the hallway as I collect my books? My sexy books?
He Needs His Medicine
He Needs His Medicine
Played august 5th:
Erhm... THIS isnt the right medicine. I feel a bit gluey. A bit shoey.
Body Elements
Body Elements
Played April 23:

Sadly this was not as entertaining as the other games made by Kona5... we kept getting lost.
Silkbulb Test
Silkbulb Test
Arthur and the Invisibles
Arthur and the Invisibles

Played March 20th
A disappointment through and through though this would inevitably lead to the Great French Movie disaster


1 year ago

Sonic Blast for the Game Gear

1 year ago

TaleSpin for the Genesis, Wrath of the Black Manta, Mr. Bones.

1 year ago

@BEAUTIFULBRUTE wtf CURS.... I'm unfollowing till we get an indepth, 13 paragraph critical analysis of Barbie secret agent :P added!

@Weatherby added! Though Mr Bones is a masterpiece that doesn't deserve to be put on here next to dramatical murder

1 year ago

My hair is going to go grey by 30

1 year ago

Sorry but I think Mr. Bones is one of the worst games I've played on the Saturn. Although it is very conceptually Interesting.

W... what's wrong with grey hair by 30...? : (
I don't know how to feel about knowing somebody else is being forced to play dramatical murder like i am later this year

1 year ago

Different TaleSpin btw. That's one of those ones where there's a mess of entries with the same name but they're all different.

1 year ago

@Weatherby Grey hair is fuckin awesome but the stress I will be put under to get it by 30 is less awesome

1 year ago

@appreciations I'm so sorry to hear that we can form a comradery in losing our dignity
@Hilda: Solidarity in whatever madness that game is going to be, lmao. Godspeed.
+ Cat Go! ultimate challenge
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand Ghost Master >:)

1 year ago

@appreciations dmmd is my nuke, the bad game to end all games. Admittedly I did play this as an child who probably shouldn't of been looking at this stuff. I'm not sure either of us can survive playing this one.

@CURS NOOO barbie... how could you...? One sliding block puzzle is way more bearable than 50, however.

@Weatherby why are there so many talespins, I just assumed they were all the same game lmao. Also you're probably right about Mr Bones but I respect what they were going for.
oh & of course Spice World but it's good i promise.................

1 year ago

@hilda nothing can possibly be worse than the devil in me, even reading about aoba's hair nerves

@BEAUTIFULBRUTE cat go sounds promising (:< thank you !

1 year ago

Oh my god what is spice world. How have i not heard of this...we have to play this immediately.
that's the right cat go!
we'll all have matching spice world pfps by the end of this

1 year ago

Oh my god that's where your pfp is from... it's all coming together. If I wasnt so attached to this leaf cat id match with you in a heartbeat

1 year ago

@Hilda this work if yes enjoy your badge

1 year ago

@moschidae I'm still not playing alvin and the chipmunks

1 year ago

No dmmd? No alvin and the chipmunks: chipwrecked for the Nintendo wii and xbox 360? And I called you my friend....

1 year ago

dmmd will come later...

9 months ago

Who the fuck is Hilda and why would you force her ti olay It's My Birthday on the Wii 😭

9 months ago

@PeterGabriel hilda is my friend and trust me its my birthday is the least offendable thing on this list lol. Theres quite a bit of competition for title of the worst game when youre sandwiched between mr beans wacky world and the creepy syndrome

Last updated: