Games I Will Force Hilda To Play

Everything but the first 43 games are very very bad and potentially offensive, but hildas must endure

Mirror 2: Project X
Mirror 2: Project X
Discovered through a game called "novastella Island", which was apparently supposed to be an adult game that got changed into a farming sim (very obvious).

played at some point

I wasnt texting the whole time i remember everything like uhhmm ms naoki and the boobs and the mirrors and the dramaa. And that lady. And the curse. And the puzzle.
Mr. Bean's Wacky World
Mr. Bean's Wacky World
Played april 29th:

Game was suprisingly cute but i beaned it out of there quick
Ore ga Omae wo Mamoru
Ore ga Omae wo Mamoru
"Metroidvania for girls"

Dec 12

thaat was not for girls. I dont know who we were protecting. It obviously wasnt me.
Pet in TV
Pet in TV
Played on March 18th

confusion about Mr tomato gameplay at the beginning, would of enjoyed if it didn't delete your save file after every fail
Played october 7th

lasanga maria called me the f word! But i was asleep. Shit garbage. Nick, KILL yourself NOW!
Garten of Banban 4
Garten of Banban 4
Played august 10th:

Ohh opibaby bird opila bird delightfult bird so wide eyed and beautiful how could theu have done this to you you were jjst a baby a small.little baby...

Ikenie no Yoru
Ikenie no Yoru
The Corruption Within
The Corruption Within
Hairy Trees Massacre
Hairy Trees Massacre
May 2024

"Dont judge a book by their cover" or so they say. sometimes this saying is right. sometimes the cover is so loud thag we drown out all other thoughts. i didnt expect her to do what she did. But she did it anyways despite the haters. she won where her father lost. shes here and he is not. she killed bigfoot and gave me.the courauge to go after a 'foot of my own. my back hurts. My eyes hurt
Introvert: A Teenager Simulator
Introvert: A Teenager Simulator
Tonyzaret video

Played 26th feb 2024

So... yeah. My furry girlfriend turned out to be an actually werewolf, but before we could get to first base this nerd in my class brought out a shotgun and threatened to shoot up the school! And i was like uhmmmm so that just happened??? I mean, who brings a SHOTGUN to a school shooting. Thats cringier than the time my teacher interrupted class to t pose! Anyways, that basically sums up my #awkwardsauce life
Nowhere, MI
Nowhere, MI
Beat'n Groovy
Beat'n Groovy
Played august 3rd:
Wetty betty?
Love Love School Days
Love Love School Days
Played at some point in september:

Baka baka baka. The mantra of thr fastest girl alive. Shes going to beat you to do death so watch out.
Pop Plus: Solo
Pop Plus: Solo
Played at a date

Apparently someone went on a solo bubble adventure and now i will never know. what is it? the bubble. the popping.
Breaking Bad DS
Breaking Bad DS
Played november 30th

Failed quota. Sucked so hard. Skipped tutorial. Walteer
MythBusters: The Game
MythBusters: The Game
Played dec 10th

uh... the grenade exploded and... uh...myth busted! soo... time to... buy stuff from my own warehouse... maybe.... i think.....where am i..
He Needs His Medicine
He Needs His Medicine
Played august 5th:
Erhm... THIS isnt the right medicine. I feel a bit gluey. A bit shoey.
Dec 10th

This is my favorite game!
Hololive Horror
Jan 1st 2024

sees magnifying glass on the floor
oh! its magifying glass breasts giggle this is so good chat we only need 2 more! turns around
scary girl
Case of the Mysterious Death of Keiko Haraeda
Case of the Mysterious Death of Keiko Haraeda
Played september 11th 2001

asshole game
Anime Standing
Anime Standing
Play April 23rd:
Push barrel up hill for more information about our scary baddie boobie game
Cat Milk
Cat Milk
Played september 1st:
Holy fucign shit dhe .jumped that .cat off so many buildings
Wave to the People
Wave to the People
3 Billion Dreams for a Forgiveness Machine
3 Billion Dreams for a Forgiveness Machine
June 1st

"This is giving me major My Girlfriend Beats Me or whatever vibes"
"This is giving me major idiot vibes"

Words of two wise prophets before the revelation
Oni Asobi
Oni Asobi
Played may 21st:
I thought this might be similar to ao oni but it wasnt

I was playing dinkum.... my pleep grew up into a big pleep. yayaayayay
Hilda and the Tower of Lust
Hilda and the Tower of Lust
Played feb 1st

Please reach level 5 in Boobs and Being Licked to access this review
Silkbulb Test
Silkbulb Test
The Sopranos: Road to Respect
The Sopranos: Road to Respect
Played may 30th:
Sopranos knowledge 0 but was expecting worse. Controls like Yakuza ripping GTA's eyes out. but theres massive chest in this game WITH. NIPPLE. oh my god! Squirt.
Life of Black Tiger
Life of Black Tiger
Played august 11th:

My sweet female tiger i will kill 7 eagles and 13 buffalo and 100 wolves and a pig for you
Witch Hunt
Witch Hunt
Played october 7th:



Ohhh my god he got turned into a snowcone. Ohhh my god.
Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Games
Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Games
November 30th

I dont know if this was the one but hamtaro did a lot and spoke a lot and played dress up

This is 200th game for 200 hams
Back at the Barnyard: Slop Bucket Games
Back at the Barnyard: Slop Bucket Games
Played july 12th:

There were so many tears. So much sadness. Visceral embarassment to the hands of Pig. But there could only be one to win the Slop Bucket Challenge. One who slopped it better than anyone ever could. And that person was, of course... Player.
A House for Alesa 2
A House for Alesa 2
May 30th 2023

Mr bob is hijacking the yuri car noo

At first i thought these were satirical and made by a woman cause the way these characters look are almost never referenced. And its the same in this game. But boy. You sure let us down, partner. I should of known with the yuri references.
Squirts older sister

Play july 18th:

Uh, kind of a sleepy type spray. Definitely a vomit and spit type spray. A bit slime too. Gdq submission soon.
Played october 31st

umm... weird. my dirty dishes and flith rags are stinking more than usual. i do believe the brick of self defense will not come in handy here... the case of the killer with mental illness has yet to come to a close.
Shinrai: Broken Beyond Despair
Shinrai: Broken Beyond Despair
Savior of the Abyss
Savior of the Abyss
Dec 10th

Neighbors were yelling the whole time so i was focusing on them to make sure there was not a killer around and abound. She got eaten, by a door. Didnt save anything! what!
May 14th 2023





<- <- -> <--

... youve unlocked......

FEMALE !!!! Haaaahh haaaaaahhhh hah hah aaahhhhhh (awooga.)
Some Say It Has Always Been Here
Some Say It Has Always Been Here
Jan 10th

Really cool. Really scary. Really egg-like and really colors.
Better Call Saul Kart
Better Call Saul Kart

Played june 5th:

Game has an unpleasant feeling but i am glad everyone made up and was happy forever.
Harvest Moon: Light of Hope
Harvest Moon: Light of Hope
Garten of Banban 5
Garten of Banban 5
Wally Bear and the NO! Gang
Wally Bear and the NO! Gang
Salamander County Public Television
Salamander County Public Television
Played April 23:

slender? Woman slender? female slender sauntering sexily down the hallway as I collect my books? My sexy books?
Waifu Impact
Waifu Impact
Played october 31st

rhe worst day of my life, i saw her. An angel in human* form. Squirting her gun at all my foes. And then i saw another one. Doing the same thing, with a different gun. And oh... could she ever jump. was i not impressed...

¹she looked bad.
Closing at 2
Closing at 2
Played october 10th

I fell asleep but it was so short that when i woke up i didnt know where i was and i hallucinated hilda still playing but she wasnt actually
Bill & Carol
Bill & Carol
Played feb 29th 2024

Carol was put through so much. Shot at with fireworks and hit by a car. Reduced to a life of brain cancer. But she did what others couldnt do, put that bastard Bill behind bars. She will never see her precious bird again, but shes flying high. Sue. Don. Ron. Her brother, potentially named Gary. You dont ever win the game once youre in it. But you can still... make... things... right.

and i raaaaan. I ran so far ☆awaaay☆ i just RAAAAN.... i couldnt get awaaaaay. couldnt get away..... i walk along da aveneue... never thought id meet a girl like youuuuUu meet a girl like yoaauu... red ahyhrhi and shjsh eyes... the kind of eyes that me thruuuu. Hypnotize me throughhhh and I Raaannn i ran so far awayyyy i just raaaan i ran all night and adaaay
Hell's Kitchen: The Game
Hell's Kitchen: The Game
"Jesse we have to cook" - hilda (white)

Played March 27th: Gordon was a very. Proud. Man.
Let's Catch
Let's Catch
Hippo: Little Red Riding Hood
Hippo: Little Red Riding Hood
Played April 4th:
This game was maybe 12 minutes long. There was a dinosaur that was defied by the valorant hippo. I was playing octopath, oops
Raccoon Rascal
Raccoon Rascal
Tag with Ryan
Tag with Ryan
Played august 11th:

13 Page
13 Page
Please Answer Carefully
Please Answer Carefully
The Room Tribute
The Room Tribute
Kidnapped Girl
Kidnapped Girl
Played April 25th:
I don't know why I keep putting these here. They're not even funny.
Pricolage: Idolized
Pricolage: Idolized
Oyadori no Ko
Oyadori no Ko

Played may 19th:
Hilda pulls off another wonderful surprise and finds the game on a spanish-speaking forum. What can i say? Kona5 has a power that no other game dev can even come close to. Kojima? Fuck that guy, Miyamoto? Hes a hack. Kona is not afraid to make whatever he wants to make, and what he does make tends to involve toilet and going toilet and the tragedies of going toilet at the wrong time. There was a lack of playable strong and courageous women, however our environmentally concious lead villain fills up that role.

JOBLESS IS NOT CRIME. i will scream it from the rooftops...
Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked
Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked
Played may 7th:

My life is now complete! Hilda played the coolest game ever! Dave should be nicer to Alivin (: and she earned 2 gold medals!!!!!chiptastic!!!
Choo Choo Survivor
Choo Choo Survivor
Played august 7th:
5 second game. did not survive.
Moon Whistle
Moon Whistle


can't wait!!

now i feel inspired to do the same with CURSE ..... if i don't make the list... know it is happening slowly but surely

1 year ago

@Hilda what could possibly be bad about chipwrecked!!!!!
it's a ??rhythm game??? can you play with DDR pad?
it'll be fun!
Dead By Daylight and the Arthur game being added feel so mean spirited

1 year ago

I'd love to see that list but regardless I'm keeping him in my thoughts and prayers <3 but it would be very funny if you also made him play floigan bros. Although,, Hilda is my online friend so it's acceptable to spam her 24/7 with floigan threats, however I would be worried about the repercussions if I lived with them :P

1 year ago

@BEAUTIFULBRUTE Maybe someday I can convince myself to play it when I buy an adapter for my ddr pad that for my own sake hopefully doesn't work anymore
@BlazingWaters I spent years of my life in dead by daylight but some people would rather see me fall in the hole I climbed out of for so long

1 year ago

@BlazingWaters this is enrichment for Hildas (:

1 year ago

@CURSE she made it through frogger... she's trained to experience Arthur
It's funny 'cause the first three games seem at the bare minimun very fun, and then the flood gates are opened by Alvin and its friends.

I have no idea what even Mr Tomatos, and frankly, I am VERY scared to know.

1 year ago

@DemonAndGames the first 3 are some of my favorite pieces of art that I genuinely wanna show my friend here but the others are just funny lol
@moschidae <3 i understand
@Hilda ahh, well me & moschidae are the new founders of the get-hilda-an-adapter-for-ddr-pad-and-if-that-one-doesn't-work-a-whole-brand-new-one foundation. accepting sponsors

1 year ago

Buying hilda a ddr pad the SECOND I get my disability check next month

1 year ago

Buying myself a dramatically lit chair to sit in

1 year ago

we are fucking sponsored by ms. lemons !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 year ago

that arthuer and the invisibles stream was insane

1 year ago

Shoutout to Wayne, now I don't have to rummage through Wikipedia to find gems like arthur and floigan bros

1 year ago

Water Horse and Charlotte's web forever stuck in my brain. Also found out wikipedia diving that the dudes who founded the studio that made the original Shadowman, dipped and made a new studio, which then made cheap ass games, including Water Horse and Charlotte's web

1 year ago

Oh my god, im actually shocked by that. What a coincidence... Water Horse/Shadowman crossover when..?

Oh yeah, and thank you for reminding me that I need to make Hilda play Babe as well. I'm sure she'll love it (:

1 year ago

This has nothing to do with anything but they're making a Beverley Hills Chihuahua for adult straight men called Strays. i must remember it.

1 year ago

You don’t REALLY have to though…

1 year ago

Keep talking like that and I'll make you watch Strays

1 year ago

I’ll hopefully be catching some instead

1 year ago

Will Feral (changed his name for the movie) is in it. You will watch Strays.

1 year ago

You should add Wo Long I think it'd be kinda fucked up

1 year ago

Keep talking like that and someone is getting locked in the cupboard again ! Or put into a jar.

1 year ago

A worthy sacrifice for a mere cupboard

1 year ago

Does anyone else have any more bad game recommendations that are short-ish. I'm running out of ideas.

1 year ago

How short?

1 year ago

Uhhh like, 2 hours or less preferably
Barbie secret agent because CURS wouldn’t finish it when i tried to make em play even though he almost beat it !!!!!!!

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