A classic that everybody should try out!

Red Dead Revolver is a forgotten game of it's era, mainly because it was foreshadowed by GUN, that's what I said in my RDR2 review, but is it worth it to try it today?

This game might not be open world like GUN or something like that, but it has a hub which is the town. It's a fine third-person with action and wild west theme even has a weapons menu each time you start a new mission and there you can repair your gun and stuff, even wondering around the town you can go into the saloon,gun shop and stuff like that, and yes it has interaction with NPCs so you can do/buy stuff with them.
Duels are neat, but the game in general gets very tough and I will explain that later.
You play the storyline missions with other characters as well, not only Red Harlow, also the game is pretty goofy most of the times so yeah.

The events of revolver are not canon in the RDR universe, just like the GTAs with the 3D versus HD.
It happens in 1880s, our protagonist loses his parents and this marks a huge revenge sequence in the plot, later on Red Harlow finds himself in brimstone, a city where he takes leads to find his wanted killers. There he takes bounties and tries to stop outlaws for the sheriff, when the sheriff acknowledged his true identity he let him go free later on, as a second antagonist we have Javier Diego the leader of the mexican army, he reformed an army by the name of renegade, he was one of Red's family killers and chased him down while riding a horse on a train.
You can also play with jack and annie, and even red's cousin from his mother side, annie wants revenge because her ranch was burnt out by griffon's men, griffon is the main antagonist of the game.
You can play with another major character in the game by the name of jack swift, a bank robber.
By the end, after red wins the battle royale him and his two fellas are chasing down griffon in his mansion to put an end to his suffering, there you rescue another playable character by the name of buffalo, a soldier that you played in some missions.
After your friends are separated you find griffon and take him to a last duel to avenge your family and after that you decline the bounty price because it was already paid by the satisfaction of avengeance.

A story with a basic plot, not a bad plot but a memorable one because it was not so complex, sometimes i'm really amazed by some games of the PS2, this game got some great content aside from the story but do me a favor, PLAY THIS GAME ON A PLAYSTATION CONTROLLER, I finished it on a 360 bootleg and it was PAINFUL mostly in the end when you have to cover annie and jack and checkpoints are not that many, it had some aim assist but the controls were damn awful and that's why I died so many times in a duel, by default this game is pretty tough and I won't be mad if someone used quick saves if they were in my position (I did it in some parts).

Arkham Asylum is another blast from the past in the action genre. Recently got the trilogy for cheap and to be honest I had fun with the first arkham game, it wasn't short or long for 10 hours of fun. I'm not a huge DC fan because I grew up with marvel and that might sound controversial but I don't hate this game or the batman series keep that in mind.

More than decent, you get a lot of gadgets and a detective mode to find where to go next. Examples are the batclaw, sequencer, gel, batarang and the list goes on. With plenty combat and health upgrades comes a good stealth game with variety and style. It's not so stealth focused but you have to keep in mind that some enemies have guns and they can easily take you down. As for the atmosphere it's great since you are in a asylum and the design is not repetitive and the game has some kind of open world not like arkham knight but you can freely collect green riddles and other collectible stuff like interviews on tapes. For a third person action it's not the easiest game, for someone who is not familiar with the arkham games you can choose between difficult levels but the combat oh man, that's the sweet spot for this game... The combat for me is no doubts good, perfect for a stealth game even if you think you killed them they are only sleeping because I guess that's a rule.

Batman captures joker and takes him into the asylum where is gang is waiting for him, a breakout happens when joker's men are taking over the whole asylum and harley quinn helpes him. Batman must stop joker but he also got James Gordon, the father of oracle and at first he's captured with officer boles (myeah) joker released some of his gang ready to take on batman. Searching for oracle's father is not easy because going in the morgue he finds scarecrow, giving batman PTSD from his past when his parents where killed by a thug. After that batman gets out and goes outside of the asylum trying to rescue some doctors but he also mets bane, luckily his car saves him after the fight. Some time later batman tells oracle about a batcave underground where he can examine something after he found out that dr young was involved about a formula including a venom that creates tough guys called titans. After another encounter with scarecrow batman encounters quinn again, after she gave him a time limit to save some innocents batman follows her where he was lead to fight some thugs behind an electric floor. Moments after he finally gets quinn and put her in jail but she made ivy free from her cell. She discovered joker's plan in the gardens and she knew that underground where croc lives is a plant connected to the titan formula. Batman gets down and running away while collecting spores and blowing up a hole to stop croc from chasing him. Joker really though that making crane more powerful with young's formula is a smart idea but that didn't work out, he even used the formula on his thugs. Batman had to make an antidote to reverse the effects of the titan formula, going back to his cave and after that fighting Ivy for the last time since she took over with her plants. She was injected with the venom and batman fought her and got out and so joker knew that he was impossible so at last he invited batman to his party in order to get him but things didn't got smooth because he fought his titan thugs and then joker injected himself and taking on batman. Bat used the claw to drag joker down and finish him off and after that rescuing Gordon and saving gotham.

Tehnical problems
Modern headsets suck, they force you to use their shitty software and their built-in usb speaker and some games don't even support that. So I had to play the whole game with a different headset with realtek speakers, so beware of this.

Goated game for his time and worth the cheap penny, outdated? nope, 2009 and still has a hard penis for all of his characteristics.

Got it for free on steam and it's pretty neat, always loved arcade fighting games and this one is good for his time.

Growing up I never touched nintendo games, neither mario or zelda. Played/finished tons of games growing up but recently I was just like ehh let's try some ancient games and I picked up super mario bros randomly and it was awesome. For his time this game was amazing that's why I gave it a 5/5 stars cuz if i were an asshole i would just give it a 3 but nah, i will keep it like that. Might actually understand westernes when they talk about these games. Challenging, fun, memorable characters, awesome soundtracks.

Anyways, I will pick up the second game and finish it also, the only nes game that i finished before mario was ghost' n goblins, so yeah.

Donkey kong but reversed card, nice climbing mechanism.

Maaan the multiplayer was fun as fuck personally. My most played multiplayer cod game is BO2 and MW2 but this one takes the third place with no doubts. I saw the new movement to be fun and fast, maybe one day I will play the singleplayer since I only played the MP just like ghosts.

I'm starting to think that everyone is being paid to say shit about this game endlessly, to be honest I got it for one euro because as of now it's a sale on steam (11/1/2023) and I finished it within 7.2 hours, look they fixed some of the problems about it and I will tell you what problems I had with it. Alt+tab crash, random crashes in-game but not that frequent, encountered 2 bugs in only 2 missions the rest were okay.

Look it's postal, at this point I played every postal game and I finished this one without taking mods or anything and it was okay. This game was not meant to be serious, it's a fun shooting game with objectives. Yes, it's not that open world like postal 2 and it's pretty straight forward when it comes to missions because you are being teleported to the location after the cutscene so yeah. After you beat it you get atleast a free roam mode in the new game, if you boot this game up only to take it serious then I don't know what's your problem pal it's just a clunky game with edgy jokes.

So yeah, postal 3 will never be like the others in the franchise, and I think that's why it was hated besides the awful launch that it had. Overall akella might left it unfinished when it come to some stuff but even some older games have problems but they have a positive fandom so yeah people.

I'm sorry, you play DOA for the fighting mechanics?
Nah chief, only for jiggle physics.

After finishing lotr's trilogy I wanted to try some games that are connected to lotr (spoiler alert: yes this game is connected to lotr but it's not canon storywise) picked it up with dlcs as well and the game was great (finished only the main storyline missions) and i'm looking forward to play it more since I got the dlcs.
Might be one of my favorite RPG game of all time to be honest, the combat is great and the graphics are way ahead for a 2014 game and the stealth is not complicated and very straight forward.
By the way only 20 main storyline missions to finish, so the game is very short there, shadow of war is way longer from what I heard so can't wait to play that one after i'm done having fun with this one.

Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name;
thy kingdom come,
thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day, our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us;
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.

For me the story ended at halo 3.