Arkham City may seem familiar to asylum in some gameplay ways but the story and the open world opened this game and felt like a new phoenix, although I consider this game to be way easier than asylum if you play on normal or either easy and it was shorter with minus 2 hours compared to asylum for some reasons.

Like I said, this game has a decent open world but for 2011 it must have been amazing to have that. An open world full of side quests and still full-filled with riddlers trophies, but the best part of the game it must that now you can play with other other characters, like in the story with catwoman. The side content after you finish this game is kind of huge compared to asylum but for me I do love the atmosphere of asylum better than this game imo, but here you can fly up in the sky with your cape and yes the freeroam is way better here than asylum.

Bruce Wayne, also batman was captured by Hugo Strange but the game actually starts with catwoman who is threatened by two face of public execution, batman is being held like a prisoner in arkham city. Our here manages to get out of the prison and track two face and rescue catwoman, but while he had a chat with her a sniper rifle was pointed at her and batman saw joker in a tower. Batman was threatened for exposure to the public but his main goal in the game is to defeat TYGER's soldiers that are being ruled by Hugo. Later on batman tracks down joker and goes into a chimney that leads him to harley, though easily beaten up our iconic antagonist shows up and makes batman go to sleep, after that catwoman adventures herself to ivy's location but she was trapped in the meantime. After batman escaped he was informed that injection was a virus remained from the last time joker became the titan at the end of asylum, and so batman knew he was on a clock and needed to find a cure quick, he was thinking that freezer is the only man who can help him make a dose for him but he finds out that he was trapped by cobblepot in the museum and he heads there but after he entered the museum he met penguin and he prepared a gladiator arena special for batman, but after our hero escaped death he heads straight but he was trapped by freezing water and he could not reach penguin but only by having a tactic, meanwhile he rescued an officer that requested batman to save his men as well. After that he finally reaches penguin but he got a trick, he stole freezer's gun and can't proceed without being hit by freezing ice. So batman head to the right side and found freezer, he didn't seem so happy at first but batman got his distruptor and was ready to fight penguin, but he was tricked again and batman was forced to go down and fight a TYGER infected soldier? idk what was that tbh, and manages to use electrify him till death, and penguin was dragged down there where he took some good fists coming from batman. After that he met with freezer, telling him that a cure cannot be made, and he needs a special type of blood to achieve the cure, batman had an idea to check up ra's ghul corpse to gather that blood, but an assassin heard what he said and ran out to tell the others, that female was from ra's ghul tribe and batman quickly promised that he will be back with the source of the cure. Tracking the blood trail he finds out an underground wonder city right below the subway station, when he opened the door batman met with talia, a girl he met in metropolis sometime ago and batman was already on a clock and sick. He was desperate to do anything to reach ra's ghul blood which was the father of talia, he needed to complete the demon trials and so he accepted and he met ra's soul in another dimension after he drank the chalice. After he completed the trial he finally met him but he was very angry because of the lazarous pit and he begged batman to kill him and he refused so he took him in a fight and after sometime ra's ghul decided to kill her own daughter but he came back to his senses and batman extracted his blood. After that he went to the police station where freezer was, something felt off about him for some reason and he became very angry and fought batman until he came back to normal, but it was too late... Joker took the cure and batman had to find him but there was 2 problems that had to be resolved, hugo's protocol 10 that literally kills everyone in arkham and his time limit about the virus that was injected in him by joker, so batman came back to fight joker but he was not alone, joker called for soldiers in the room even a mutant one and after all that fight the wall collapsed where batman stand, everything was almost over but talia came there out of nowhere and made a trade offer to joker about immorality so he accepted, back to catwoman after sometime with ivy, she promised that she will bring her flowers back to her if she let her free, ivy accepted and she had into the sewers where she silently took 3 keycards from the soldiers and got ivy's plant but she was discovered and had to fight the soldiers. After he finished her fight she had to make a choice, leave gotham and batman or save batman and then leave gotham, in my playthrough I decided to help batman so yeah. After she found batman he decided to leave catwoman alone because he had chase hugo strange, immediate he rushed to the clocktower where hugo was after fighting his thugs and successfully defused protocol 10, but then out of nowhere ra's ghul shows up and tells batman that he was the man behind protocol 10, he stabs hugo and threatens him but quickly he activated protocol 11 that destroys the high building. After batman survived the explosion he saw ra's body hanging, but right after that joker gets on a TV and threatens talia's life so he can make batman come to him and get the cure. In the last moments of the game you finally show up in the cinema where joker is and he transforms into clayface and kills talia. in the action to beat batman but he failed and the floor collapsed and batman took the sword and froze clayface and he directly went in him and sliced him up, then the game ends with joker dying and batman taking the cure and leaving with his corpse outside where everyone sees joker dead with the police as well. Right after the credits you play as the fourth mission and the final one of catwoman, where she leaves the city for good because batman took care of protocol 10 and unfortunately talia was killed but he took the cure , she head back to her apartament but she was shot in a explosion and got the information that twoface took her stuff, so she made into the museum and finished him off but without all of her stuff because twoface gave away some of it.

Industria is a game inspired by half life and portal, combining the atmosphere of city-17 with the antagonist trait of cave johnson, nothing too fancy for 3 hour ride

Pretty much every generic shooter made by a small dev team, it runs on unreal engine 4 but its very bad optimized, and my pc specs are not even that old coming back from 2019, even on low settings the game has moments when it reaches 60 fps and a moment later in the open game (outside) the frame dips. I'm saying this with my pure heart because I ran a lot of UE4 games and not all of them ran perfectly but it ran more than okay in low settings 1080p with a 100% resolution scale, it might be my pc or the game himself.

You are a girl by the name of nora, you are the fiancée of walter. GDR’s does not know that in 2 hours the berlin wall will fail, nora rushes to her workplace where her colleague walter rebel is, when you arrive everything was evacuated and so your work was destroyed, there is only one way to find walter and that is to go into another dimension, you are awake in a city alone where you met a guy by the name of brent that will guide you through the city. By doing some puzzles and making your arsenal pretty you are guided to head into the town hall, by then in this universe, apocalyptical one to be sure where you and another guy speak through a damn radio you already know how doomed the situation is, you are being chased by robots in your way and finally you learn the fact that your husband was the king of the city, since you visited his place and he was not there, the only way to get to him is the train, eventually the train stops and brent has a request for you to go visit his old house on a roof, when you got there you see a beautiful picture of 2 people, that is brent and his wife and he wants you to take that photo and put it next to his wife graveyard. In the meantime you opened the gates so you can continue your journey to a countryside, brent says his thanks to you and you arrive in a beautiful countryside where you meet walter, but his physical form is kept by machines because he sold his soul, you encounter him in a robotic voice where he tells you that hes done all the bad things in the city for a good reason, you might have so many questions about it but the game ends there.

As of now (4/26/2024) the game is free on epic games and the sequel was announced, go grab it because it feels more of a demo than a full game and I'm a bit excited for the sequel but can't promise that I will play it.

Crazy Taxi is the most clunky game with cabs that you will see in your life, extremely fun and very moddable.

A time limit gameplay influenced by the player that needs to take as many taxi rides as possible, by selecting a character from 4 selections such as axel,joe,gena and gus. This game will make you hate the traffic as much like a real driver but here you are being indicated on where to go and stop the brake, I'm not a big sega fan and never was but some of their games are fun like this one, you also have variety between gameplay modes like original and arcade that also let's you select the amount of time you want to take, also you can modify the difficulty of the in the menus which is pretty good.

If you want a clunky game but very fun involving cars you can try this one, I also modded the game with a ADX encoder to modify the tracklist so it is pretty moddable in terms of music but never got around the models or anything like that.

Got tired in 5 hours, why did I expect something unique... That's a lesson to don't have a huge hype from a mega corpo that literally does copy paste for a living.

Forza Horizon 4 is still the better option.

Maybe the best DLC, when I think about FH4 it gets me directly to the lego dlc.

Arkham Knight is a tricky one, personally not the best in the series and it might never be, this game brings a lot of unique story dlcs and customization as well but it comes with A LOT of downsides.

The only melee boss that I can remember after finishing the game is Albert King, that's it really because the rest of the gameplay is with the batmobile and it gets repetitive fairly fast,it really feels like world of tanks and rocksteady had a collaboration. More than half of the bosses are being driven with the batmobile, atleast they added some stealth with the cobra tanks.
The second problem with the gameplay is the port himself, how can you mess this bad a freaking UE3 game running on a modern computer? like really yikes, it ran fairly good at 1080p high settings but the frame drops was felt, but other than that it ran more than 60 most of the times but the game lag the fuck out in batmobile chases for a reason.
Alright one good thing about this game is the graphics that saves a bit, it looks more spectacular than gotham knights and the latest release of suicide squad, they nailed the graphics too good for 2015 and it can't be beaten even by newer games.
There's a lot of side quests that includes DLCs with more characters because in the main story you will not frequently hear about two face or croc for example and to be honest the atmoshpere is great, the combat with the brutes or thugs is the same as asylum and city but it's even better if you do a double attack with robin, that feature rocks.

After the death of joker and his burning body gotham is warned by scarecrow with his new toxin, moments after almost everyone evacuated the city and crane's militia surrounded the whole city.
Batman comes back and ready to stop him, with the help of oracle in the clocktower and jim at the GCPD he's well equipped with his new batmobile to take on the fight, but he stumbles upon poison ivy where she was at a meeting with scarecrow and batman takes her at the GCPD, while there he is being informed that he can track the toxin at the ace chemicals where he meets up with a new antagonist, the second one being the arkham knight, an anonymous masked villain well trained surprises batman but he escapes with his help of the batmobile and avoiding knight's helicopter. Later on chasing scarecrow he discovers that there's some of jokers blood into his system, so that combined the fear gas and make him see him through the whole story.
Later on oracle was kidnapped by crane and batman had to find her, after sometime he found her but it was too late, she shot herself behind the glass, this is where the story really gets interesting because batman could not forgive himself because gordon went hiding after he found out that his daughter was captured, batman could not tell him the truth because it was too painful, later on alfred informs batman about some kind of scientist that works with scarecrow and he gets into his blimp where scarecrow is located as well, the scientist ran away from batman and after that he found scarecrow but it was only a hallucination of him, batman was also helped by nightwing but he hold him to stay in bludhaven.
Batman found out that joker's virus infected more people, but only one was immune to it and that was henry adams, he discovered that with the help of poison ivy he can hold the toxin while her plants secure the zone.
Batman is being interrupted by harley quinn, she wants to avenge joker's death and she released the infected ones in the panessa movie studio, with the help of robin he needs to rescue them but they act back with violence, after taking care of chrstina bell,albert king and johnny charisma robin secures the bag and gets out.
But batman is hallucinating, he sees his former apprentice, jason todd. He sees himself tortured by joker and being asked about bats real identity, after that he comes back to life he takes harley with robin and puts her in a jail, robin finds out that batman isn't okay and he might be exposed to crane's gas and tries to lock him up but he failed and batman instead put him in jail.
After that he goes back outside but crane's cloudburst that spreads diseases was deployed, batman had to talk with ivy quickly to prevent this but alfred informs him about the scientist and he goes back into the blimp to simion stagg but he was exposed to crane's toxin and told batman that he can take some kind of cure that protects his car in the cloudburst, and so he took it and installed it into the car.
Time to protect ivy's plant, but in the other land is the arkham knight, with his new tank surrounded by cobra tanks, batman chases him and destroys his tank side by side but he gets hallucinated again and after he took the knight in his hands he got out.
Batman had to go underground to find another root to a plant to help ivy and so he did it but after he came back to her she died because she used all of her power to destory the cloudburst.
After that batman was informed that jim was taken, he head back to GCPD and got his location, after arriving he had to work with a ventilation shaft that was broken to reach jim gordon, but instead he found arkham knight while he chased batman underground.
Batman was surrounded by him and he had to sacrifice his car to get out, after reaching to jim the knight made another encounter but he revealed himself to be jason, furious of batman and dedicated to kill him he fights him and batman wins the duel and rescues gordon.
Gordon know that scarecrow is in the top of the building so he comes with batman to stop him but right after they reached the last floor they see oracle alive and jim betrayed batman to save his daughter, he had to make one choice but after he shot batman oracle was dropped off the building and batman saved her but gordon was taken as a hostage again.
Oracle and batman are now safely in the GCPD but the militia assaulted the station, after oracle helped batman taking care of the tanks and finding a new energy generator batman leaves to check on the movie studios where he finds out that robin was taken by crane as a hostage and had to make a quick choice to sell his sould to scarecrow.
Batman leaves and goes to crane's location and puts his equipment down and enters his van where he was taken to crane's place, while there he gets PTSD from the asylum with joker but once he arrives crane shows gordon and robin but he exposes batman's true idenity live, batman had to resist his toxin and he entered into some dreams with joker killing cobblepot, two face and destroying soldiers and right after that he gets outside where gotham is in flames.
Then his vision goes into a horror first person perspective where joker sees harley crying but right after he starts to shoot at stone building of batman and gets out but batman comes in and puts joker in jail.
Batman was immune, he defeated joker's remaining gas and he woke up where scarecrow was very surprised and right after he took a gun at batman's face jason helps batman get out and takes crane to the jail where the game ends, and now that everyone knows his true idenity he has to activate the protocol knightfall.

The Arkham Collection is a must have for the type of person who loves third person action games and it's a must play if you love DC comics, personally I ain't a big fan of DC but this trilogy made me love it, sadly it does not include batman origins because this is the rocksteady games not WB montreal. Highly suggest to play them in order, from asylum to city and finally with knight, already reviewed these games. Plus they are very cheap with tons of DLCs.

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Spec Ops is really a game driven by the plot, the gameplay nowdays is pretty outdated and it has some glitches. It was removed from steam for some reason but the idea of the game is really the story.

in rest the gameplay does not get repetitive because it take 5 hours to beat the game not more than that depending on what difficulty you are gonna choose.
The year himself 2012 was the peak of smaller games that innovated something that a AAA game can't sadly, well if we speak about the recent events of helldivers then yes, smaller devs are always better and creative than huge game companies and this game with the rest of thousand proves that point really good, spec ops is only about the story not the gameplay even though it looks very good for UE3.
One thing to point out, the major problem with the audio speakers for modern headphones, yes it always happens to 2009-2014 games where the audio cuts off for no reason, its like the third time happening from an action game and it only happened to these third person action games like tomb raider (2013) and batman arkham asylum.

Here's the most important part of the game and why this review is checked as a spoiler, everything that happens in the game after the helicopter intro is a huge hallucination, dubai has gone wrong and captain martin walker was sent with his mates to stop and save innocent lives and evacuate the city, while there the main antagonist is john konrad and the former commander of 33st infantry, the second antagonist is robert darden who is a radioman taunting walker's team, the three soldiers are surrounded by terrorists in dubai while trying to rescue innocents but one segment in the game changes everything, the mortar scene where walker thinks he kills the opps he actually killed innocent lives, that changed the game and made the 33rd infantry aganist them for killing his own men, adams and lugo are arguing because of this but they know that they cannot stop there and have to push to find john konrad. In the game you find an old soldier by the name of riggs, you help him by stealing 20 gallons of water but failing and him dying shot by walker. Later on you have to reach the radio tower where you meet the radioman, your goal is to reach other soldiers to send help to evacuate the city and leave but robert darden gets shot by lugo, failing that the crew gets in a helicopter and the segment of the intro begins, choppers everywhere and getting down and so walker's men are alone, the captain is still alive and finds adams but unfortunately lugo was killed and hanged. They know that they have to push one more time aganist the 33rd army and reach the tower but walker and adams are being surrounded and he gives up but he starts to feel weird again and runs away without a gun to the tower where he met john konrad, apparently he was dead for decades and all of the events where in walker's mind, as a final scene they take 2 pistols and point at each other in the tower and someone gotta shot first, i shot him after that the epilogue begins, walker is calling to evacuate so the us army comes to rescue him but in the end the former captain kills them and the game ends after the epilogue with 15 chapters.
Everything was a setup in his mind, the delta force formed with walker,adam and lugo was sent after the 33rd failed in dubai and john konrad died there as well, walker's main objective to find konrad and rescue the people of dubai was in his mind all the time, his delta team possibly died and he imagined all of this scenario in his head with thousands of innocents dying.
Truly a game to challange the player's morality.

Little Nightmares was a decent stealth game with some frustrating parts, although for a 3 hour long game it was amazing but in this game you can get lost pretty easily.

You take the role of a girl named Six, your goal is to escape The Maw which is a underwater iron vessel. With the help of a lighter who guides you through the game you will encounter leeches,a janitor and some twin chefs, the iron vessel is fulfilled with lots of guests who are ready to eat anything that contains meat in the game, the theory surrounds that the children or those anonymous creatures are being killed and served to the guests. The main antagonist is a mysterious lady in a kimono, through the game while you encounter massive and obese creatures she's the last one once you survive the guest room, by defeating her with a mirror you will consume her flesh and become powerful being able to take lives away from the guests at the end, a bloody story with terrifying creatures but yet again it's a decent story.

A 3D plaftormer with stealth, that's how I can describe this game but the controls are DAMN AWFUL, if you want additional challenge play with keyboard and mouse input. The stealth part is fairly easy but sometimes you can be stuck not knowing where to go and dying randomly until you find a way, and the controls felt very unresponsive at times that lead me to rage quite a bit, and at the end of the game please check your graphics settings it might randomly crash and you will need to fight the lady again. The game had some horror atmosphere but on how annoying it was at times that horror atmosphere was gone.

Interesting game for being so short, but GOD DAMN it was frustrating at times so that takes away from the stars.

Snow Day is quite a tricky one because I haven't tried the other SP games and it's my first one, some elitist will say that this game sucks for changing the gameplay into 2.5D in 3D completely but for someone like me the first time I played it was amazing, the combat felt nice the story was right for the series scenario and there's co-op missions to play.

Like I said, the gameplay looks very good the graphics are charmful combined with the snow theme but one thing that will always suck in this game must be the bots, they will always die no matter what you do in the 5 chapters of the game and you will be almost all the time awarded with the medic class rank. The gameplay fits perfectly with the RPG and fast peace movement and the cards deck are unique with the weapons upgrades and character customization, the game is optimized for a 2019 specs pc and it runs very well. Only in chapter 4 you will encounter some performance issues but that's the game fault since I played the version from the launch that came with some major problems. You will find gamemodes like waves so you will have some fun without the main campaign which is fairly short.

Miraculous blizzard day strikes and cartman is happy to be home and play with his buddies, but this snow storm is not something usual at all but you are the new kid in town and cartman makes connections between you and stan,kyle,and kenny. The main antagonist isn't known in the beginning but you start in the early chapter to fight with kyle known as the elf king and then later on fighting with kenny as well known as the princess and the last one being stan the barbarian. After all of them cartman knew that the blizzard will end somehow and he betrayed all of you to maintain this weather so he will not go to school, after fighting him in his grand wizard form all of you realize that the main antagonist is mr hankey because he got canceled on twitter and to consume his rage he used his magic to strike a snow day in south park, after fighting all of these bosses which are your friends it's time to take the last one and the most dangerous one out that being hankey, all of you gather in his location and climb up to reach him and once you are there the new kid has to strike him but being so powerful it will make hankey fulfilled with magic power as well, after one punch he transforms into a huge shit monster and you have to take him out with cannons powered by toilet paper to wipe him out. So it is done, south park is saved and the group goes to school until jesus comes out of nowhere and he tells the kids that what they did to hankey was wrong when he was down and no one helped him so they decided to offer forgiveness to hankey and wish for another blizzard day.

Hades II is a great refresh from the first game, and the early access is all you need in the beginning with tons of new features and characters.

Basic Story
Melinoë was set on a rescue mission to eliberate her parents Hades and Persephone. They were captured by the evil chronos and it the beginning you will start to ascent with your mentor Hecate, for a first boss fight she is pretty strong and she's somehow a parental figure for the protagnist. The second boss is in Oceanus where you will meet with Scylla and her sirens, putting up a good show and after her going deep in ground you will find the infernal cerberus and at last chronos that comes with 2 phases, that's all the bosses in the story since Melinoë is cursed to be underworld.

Loops are great and this sequel looks to be very faithful to the first one, looking forward to see it in action with updates.

Sunset Overdrive a solid 5/5, simply again they don't make it like this anymore. The amount of fun you can have in this game is insanely good and for a almost 10 hour campaign it's all worth to enjoy it because it is a former exclusive made by insomniac and it did not disappoint me at all on how good their games are like for ex a 4 year later spiderman remastered that also slapped good.

This game is all about the movement, if you enjoyed the movement in spiderman you will love this as well without the spider web, you have plenty of upgrades for guns and even character customization that is pretty neat and this third person game is full of action with saturation and many more for example the sword you get at the end of the game is very fun to play, other than that the missions are good tho they seem too simple you have variety with some tower defense at Floyd and some side missions from the survivors like buck national. I think words can't describe how good the gameplay is and for some it might get repetitive but the weapon upgrades from the amps change that formula fairly quick, simply a charmful game that some might call A GAME WITH SOUL that won't be reproduced again for being so underrated.

You are a former employee from the fizzco who has to fight with the OD, humans mutants that turned from a soda also known as overcharge drinkers, your town sunset city is on a lockdown and you need to find survivors and a way to leave the city behind. You get the help from Walter and Floyd at first but later on you find a kid trapped in a train station that is flooded with ODs, you help him get out of there and he's being thankful for your service and now Sam is at your side, going to his hideout location you will find any kind of spoiled brats that can help you make a 3D printer that can help you get out of the city, first you will need to complete their quests like help a girl from there to rescue her dog going even to check on some rich parents who went on bahamas and after you helped them they made a 3D printer but they need a powerful processor so you had to talk with Floyd on where can you find some good specifications, sometime later you find a tower hold by Buck National and he needs you to film some action in order to give you the CPU. Going back to those kids you have the last piece for a complete flight to get out of the city in pieces, heading to Walter to jump in and get out you, in the meantime you are being chased by a blimp and you need to escape his radar being guided by Sam, after that you see a border at the end of the city and walter sacrifices himself so you can live another day. One sad memorial later you get the information that one guy called Master Bryllcream is the one who can make a boat scheme that can help you get out but while going there you meet Troop Master Norton that informs the sad news of Bryllcream being kidnapped by the scabs, but he can help you get intel on where he is, but he just lied to you and one of his troops help you gather the real intel, 4Kim joins the squad alongside Sam and together you find that Norton planned this kidnap with the scabs so you go to find him on a trash truck with his limbs off, after that heading back to the little tokyo you confront Norton but he has a OD drink that transforms him into a dragon so you need to rip his spine off with a execution pose. After you defeated him Bryllcream will award you with a boat scheme that needs to be turned by Ignatius, you go there and see a lot of larpers in a RPG theme, seems like Ignatius got a fever and you and his party members go and find food resources stole by the scabs, the only larper who isn't really a larper is one girl called Wendy who has a talent for music and she informs you about the real cause of Ignatius and after some roasted birds and some useless medicine that is not on the theme of medieval times you sacrifice your blood for the leeches to make a real cure. After healing Ignatius he requires you to get his crown back from the king scab, all of you decided to invade his land to recover the crown from Ignatius.
After one roller coaster of blowing up fireworks and stealing a crown Ignatius will do the boat scheme and you gather with wendy to escape the sunset city but one thing happens, the fizzco has gone insane and you are being called by Sam that informs you about that and you feelings play in that rule and you turn the boat back to the city by forcing wendy to do so, by doing so you find a hospital with some foreign ladies called the Las Catrinas who helps kids in the hospital, trying to make them join you is not that easy and your quests is to forge a sword so you can gain the trust of Esperanza and after you initially fail you find a kid that suffers from a terrible disease and in act of justice you promised him that you will find a rock band to make a concert for him so you can make him happy and so you gather 4kim to play the drums, king buzzo as the vocalist and wendy to setup this concert. Informing floyd that you will need to defend the concert and so you impressed Esperanza and her clan, they will be at your side and also the kid did not have that disease. After some rock n roll all of you gather to stop fizzco from his malefic attack to destory the city and you make a plan until Sam decodes a way to destory fizzco building and after helping the survivor you had to go up to reach a huge soda bottle that goes right in the building. By all the means you sacrificed your life and the game ends there, but no wait insomniac could not flop this ending to shit and so you rewind and on a time limit you have to shot the tower up with guns and BOOM sunset city is saved from all the junk that was there and everyone can live happily now.

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Dead Space 3 felt like shit and decent at times, falling to be a underwhelming game and it was never above the point of the ranking of mid, the co-op part must be the most insane and frustrating part of it, it is when EA started to charge people for countless DLCs for singleplayer titles just like this one because overall it is not unique if it has a co-op, sure buy some dlcs only to use it maybe once in your life for some suits but probably the only DLC worth is the awakened story expansion for being more horror than the standard campaign.

For a third person survival game it's literally EA trying to make resident evil but with their sign on it. Some places in the game like the new horizons lunar colony looks amazing and some missions from the beginning floating in the space are nice but in rest it's a linear game with some puzzles and some combat arenas. The necromorphs can be very fatal and annoying for various reasons, thank god you can use the stesis to freeze them for a limited time, some parts of the game in co-op are very frustrating like one part after you are done with the snowbeast and you have to climb the mountain back there's where you will need only luck and someone capable to reach the top because the timing and the rocks falling down will make you go insane if you play co-op, some parts of the game like the bench and the scavenger robots are alright for semiconductors and other resources that helps you craft ammo,med and stuff like that. The weapon crafting is pretty okay because it let's you combine weapons and some attachments.

The story is starring Isaac Clarke and John Caver and their crew running away from the EarthGov because another invasion of necromorphs came, now hiding in the city of horizons, the main antagonist is Jacob Arthur Danik and your goal is to stop him from activating the artifact, you will find yourself running away from your hideout to space again where you will head to exterminate the spatial creatures, some of your crew like Robert Norton, Ellie Langford, and Jennifer are there to help you reach Tau Volantis and make contact with the marker and stop this invasion, in the end all of these characters will die without Ellie who will help you in the game most of the times and get you to stop this nightmare, you got the EarthGov and the mindless necromorphs to stop you from discovering the threat of necromorphs. Isaac gets the artifact and he's heading to activate it but Danik forces his hand to give up because he was willing to take Ellie's life away, threatening him and her just to get the artifact to activate the alien machine. He gets killed and now you have to runaway and fight the large Tau Volantis Moon by destroying his eyes and then at the end the moon tries to empower back but the results kills Isaac and John, that makes Ellie the last crew alive at the end because she escaped the planet.

Maybe the worst review I did this year, a lot of frustration made me to don't follow up with the main storyline at all but only the basics where there, maybe my fault was that I started with this one and not the first.

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Little Kitty, Big City is a short indie game about a black cat trying to reach her home back, a fairly simplistic game comparable to untitled goose game.

Even after finishing the game you still have collectibles such as shines and hats to discover, it's somewhat of a open world game based in japan with a third person view and parkour system, you can always find NPCs that are animals as well were you take their quests. The graphics are simple and charmful and the game is easy to play even has some stealth elements to catch birds and hide away from humans.

A simple story about a black cat falling out of her apartament now outside the japan city trying to find a way back in. While in arrival he discovers a crow that can help him get food but in cost you will need to gather 25 shines, after doing so the crow will give you a red fish that gives you stamina so you can climb and leap. In the next area of the city you will find a dojo leaded by a duck who lost his ducklings, by accepting the quest you will now have a map on where to find all of them, the correct order of the ducks is game shop,grocery store,high building, and a washing machine shop. These are all the locations and now in the open world you can increase your stamina by stealing fish from example a fisherman in the town or even stumble across it while trying to rescue a duck most likely in the grocery store. You will need to consume fish to gain stamina because walking a bigger building will automatically need more stamina. After you helped the duck and hopefully have all the 4 paws you will need to go back and climb back to your apartament, while doing so you will meet with the ducks once again thanking you and at last meeting with the owner who decides to give a name tag, after that you will meet with the crow proud that you did it.

After finishing the game you can still explore the city and find stuff, it is a game to relax and it's charmful graphics are perfect and fits the gameplay perfectly.

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A Way Out is a good co-op game, not comparable to kings like portal 2 but it is a more of a decent game and fairly short.

A third person game controlled by two players having 2 unique protagonists, the game is optimized for a unreal engine title and of the best features is the co-op interactions, giving someone an item helping them get up ect. With stealth gameplay in the early game and some action at the end, the scenery changes and it's not repetitive once you are out of the jail you will see forests,cities and more stuff.

You are leo, a thief and a scum who has criminal traits who wanted to seek a buyer for a very rare diamond, findind someone called Harvey a crime boss. During the talk the mob boss betrayed the deal and killed one of your assistant. Harvey takes his car and drives over your body leaving you unconscious when the police found you, arrested now Leo has to find a way out to break free from the bars to kill Harvey, in jail he finds a guy called Vincent who barely spoke to him but notices that Leo is a wanted guy in the prison. Talking on a occasion Leo found out that Vincent is seeking revenge for Harvey as well, both of them agree to get out together by stealing tools and necessary stuff to breakout. So in a one stormy night they did it, climbing down the sewers all the way up to the police tower, in a rush they run and hideaway from the near by cops searching for them, now free in the woods they discuss about how they can reach harvey, not knowing where he is and Leo knows someone who used to work with him and he's in town, one fishing later they find an old couple house with a truck that can drive them to exit the forest, distracting them by releasing the horses. The police was informed about their theft and on their way fighting with them while being chased. Leo takes the shotgun and starts to cover Vincent, running down seeing a boat and making their escape. Now in town they need to find Ray but one thing to note about these guys is that they do have a family. Leo has a son and Vincent is a future father so first Leo has to talk with his family to send his regards and actual status of his breakout being in the newsletter. Leo lives like a dirty dog, his family was forced to move out in a trailer, once he makes contact with his family and talks to his kid they are going after Ray, he's in a construction site and once seeing Leo he started to runaway from him but they chased him down with the crane, telling the duo about Harvey's location being Mexico. Leo knows someone who can get some guns from and once arriving there to meet with Jasmine he gets the guns ready but the girl seemed a bit weird about Vincent so after they got out she called Harvey and he sent a hitman after them. Vincent knew someone who can provide a ride to Mexico, but also he found out that his wife gave birth, not so soon to celebrate because the hitman located his targets so they have to runaway from him and ambush him, quickly to the hospital to help Vincent and assist him but the guards found out that the two guys were the wanted criminals so the show started again with the chase now in a hospital. Leo was captured but Vincent got down and got a car to save him and runaway from the police. Now they are ready to take the trip in Mexico, they got the money from the robbery and gave it to Jasmine and also got new guns and Vincent's friend will provide the safety trip to Mexico. Arriving there they will meet Emily who is not happy about the Mexico flight but paying double helped the situation, so this is the moment the final revenge to take down Harvey, arriving to Mexico ambushing his guards and running forward to his building that is a exact reference to Scarface. Harvey failed to kill them and he was shot, sitting down on a chair discussing with Vince and Leo about the diamond but he got out and took Leo but luckily Vince took him down and shot him, after killing him and stealing the diamond they have to runaway from there and get back to Emily, stealing motorbikes while being chased by Harvey's remaining men. Making it out alive again and both of them jumped to the helicopter, on their way home Leo suggests that Vince should start a letter to his wife to make her forgive him, one long flight later arriving at the airport everything seemed alright but the police ambushed the protagonists and yeah, Emily was a fed but the plot wist does not end here, VINCENT WAS ONE OF THEM TOO. He played Leo and took his diamond and arrested him, but Leo did not give up and smacked him and stole his gun threatening the cops only to reach a NYPD vehicle so he can runaway and so he did it, on his way Vince and Emily chased him down and some news were found out, the assistant who helped Leo was Vince's brother, a fed as well but he was killed by Harvey so that's why Vincent wanted revenge on him and took this trip with Leo. The police car went on fire and so Leo left the car and took a boat that was destroyed by Vince's chopper. Now near a factory he enters there with Emily and Vince too and one last fight will declare the ending. Emily was warned to leave or she will be killed so she did left Leo with Vince, the duo has to fight alone, the one who wins gets the dinner served in a cold rainy storm, in my part I killed Vincent and ended the duel there. In the end you see the ceremonial of Vince and Leo starting a new life but after that giving the letter to Vince's wife and the game ends there.

Action, stealth, betrayal, and a predictable plot twist at the end. Fairly good story and game in general.