53 Reviews liked by nex3

profoundly ahead of its time in 1997 and still just as relevant in 2020

the closest thing to the "Screenwriter's Handbook" that videogames will ever have

a game so confident in its players AND itself that i finished the game without ever using or learning multiple helpful techniques and i still had an incredible time

someone should give Robert Yang $10,000,000 to make a game

every cutscene in this game shows that Captain Falcon isn't a super strong, intelligent hero but instead a bumbling himbo who happens to just keep winning races, and it rules

i would die for every character in this game

i wish more games just said what they wanted to say and got out in an hour or so like this game, rather than obfuscating them with unnecessary mechanics and bloat for more mediocre experiences

i 101%ed this game both as a child and while unemployed and depressed at age 25, and i think it made things worse. it's messy and all-over-the-place, and not in the good way like Banjo-Tooie.

35 hours in, i am stuck on a puzzle for over one hour. i push blocks around aimlessly. i go to a different world. i accidentally do something that will change my understanding of the game forever. in my hubris for thinking i was close to the end, baba has humbled me.

i use the website Baba Is Hint for the rest of the game (which i HIGHLY recommend). the opening phrase is "the Main Game is basically just a tutorial for the Late Game." i bury my head in my hands.

on hour 64, i have 100%'d the game. i am free and i long for more of the prison.