Best played with the NeGcon controller. Arcade racing at its finest, just a fantastic piece of the PS1 legacy.

Somehow simultaneously the most fun, neuron enticing game I've played in years and also a tender, human tale about the barriers that we construct. Historical in nature, contemporary in practice, this is a shining example of the type of experience only deliverable by the medium of games.

I would hesitate to call this game underrated due to it's cultural significance as a part of a well regarded trilogy but between all 3 games I really believe this one is a triumph in every way the first was and looking at the sales numbers I do think it deserves a second look from fans and non fans alike. The texture of the game is more artificial and technological but it makes it organic moments feel that much more gross. I think the level design is top notch and the beam ammo is not as big a deal as we initially made it out to be

Of all the technical snake oil we're being sold ona daily basis, the one I still think has merit is VR gaming. What an absolute thrill ride this game was, showcasing how small, intimate encounters that to a season 360 noscoper on controller would be easy can become memorable sequences inside a headset.

Valve showing they're always ready to put out a genre defining title, and to actually show [REDACTED] ???? I couldn't believe it. Unforgettable game.

Is this the easiest Mega Man game? Yes, is it also the most badass, fast paced, fun ass time that absolutely KICKS ASS with the Sega Saturn controller? Yeah that too. So much joy every time I boot it up, a classic in every regard.