13 reviews liked by nickypfr

Yay! I loved Mercury Steam’s first outing on the 3DS (Samus Returns). But this goes way beyond, the game play is tight and fun, the bosses are beautifully constructed, smart and hard, tough but fair.

The game looks great and it uses it to tell a subtle story that’s never in your face. Great game.

There are few games as well designed as Half-Life. Not only there's a nice selection of weapons, both conventional and experimental, and hordes of horrific enemies, but it's all wrapped in a very interesting setting. However, the greatest strength of the game for me is the pacing; there isn't a dull moment in the game unless you get stuck and there's a surprising amount of variety for the main campaign.
The only downside to me are the vehicle segments, which I've never enjoyed, and that enemies are too spongy in the highest difficulty.

an absolute master class of first person level design. Despite being decades old, it ran beautifully on my PC and any graphical issues can be written off due to the time it was released

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I finally beat Bioshock.

I beat this game as a first time playthrough in 9 hours, according to time tracking on Epic Game Store. I had previously played to the garden area before, so unfortunately the initial atmosphere was already experienced at least 3 times.

I really liked the atmosphere of it all, despite having experienced some before. I recall the beginning scaring me thoroughly the first two times. I still experienced some cool moments and I really felt that the aesthetics, graphics, and story hold up despite being released 15 years ago.

I had some issues with pacing, as well as difficulty spikes. The beginning moves a little slow, and the ending moves a little quick. I also disliked that much of the world building is done through tapes that are difficult to fully listen to while also advancing through the areas. The difficulty also spikes pretty much out of nowhere, going from me barely dying, to me dying often. Once I became the Big Daddy it calmed back down to rather easy.

Since I had harvested two little sisters, I got somewhat of a confusing ending. I wasn't sure what exactly was happening at the end, I may have missed something, but it felt abrupt. I had to read on Wikipedia what actually happened. It stinks that I didn't get the canon ending because I'd harvested two.

Overall, this is a game I've been meaning to play for over a decade and I finally pushed through. It was a great game, I really enjoyed it as a whole, it still holds up. 8.75/10

(Winner of "Swine Flu Award" for best game released in 2009, 2019 Vidya Gaem Awards, speech below)

Can any other game in this last decade say that they have been as influential to the modern gaming community as Dark Souls has? Back when Demon's Souls and Dark Souls released, contemporary games had an issue of being "too easy", and being too movie-like, so that every pea-brained journalist could complete it.

The two Souls games called back to a more nostalgic time, when beating a game could be considered an accomplishment. But while Demon’s Souls experimented, Dark Souls refined. Its notorious reputation - which FROM and Sony made full use of in its marketing campaign - earned the respect of many /v/-goers and normie gamers alike.

The game had something everyone could enjoy - power gamers enjoyed the PvP and the endless ability to grief and torment others; RPG and action players enjoyed the somewhat simple, yet still exciting gameplay and the build variety that came with it; and narrative-inclined players loved the lore, which rewarded those who paid attention to every detail in text and subtext.

While FROM has been trying to move further and further from the genre, the Soulsfag has endured - endlessly respawning at the bonfire for just one more soulslike that could possibly live up to the feeling of playing Dark Souls for the first time.

(Winner of “Actually Kind of Fun” Award for best gameplay, 2011 Vidya Gaem Awards, speech below)

Dark Souls has a complex system which explains very little and forces players to die, adapt, and die again. It features a wide variety of weapons and upgrade paths, all with distinct advantages, disadvantages, and counters. Single-player, co-op, and PvP are seamlessly combined into a singular experience. It achieves a perfect blend of heartache challenge and f… f…. f… fun. Everyone but the PC master-race and the weak willed should know by now why Dark Souls receives our acknowledgement.

Um dos melhores jogos que joguei na minha vida.

This is it. Dark Souls, an icon of the decade it released in, its genre STILL continues to impact the gaming space to this day and will likely continue to do so too.
A lot of elements did not hold up too well thanks to the QoL changes in future installments but its still fun to always go back where it started...Well, where it REALLY started.