9 Reviews liked by nightmaresinclr

*takes a long drag off of a joint*
*squints eyes*
*holds smoke in lungs*

Like, dude.

What if Mario DID DRUGS? 🤯

how the fuck am i still unlocking stuff in this game

ultimately comfy in its simplicity and short length. for the starting point of a genre that became synonymous with grinding and tedium i played this game twice on SNES and GBC, both completely straight-shot and had no grinding to do.

huh? there's another game on here? i don't see anything... just good ol' dragon quest 1....

i WISH they would rerelease wii bowling like my god its such a good part of the game fucking WII BOWLING WOOOOOOOOOOOO
SO MANY DAYS OF MY LIFE were spent playing WII BOWLING because you know why?
it fucking ROCKED
i got so good at wii bowling you dont understand
turkeys for daaaaayyyyyssss
my uncle was even better than me he actually got like the gold bowling ball or whatever the best ball you can unlock is
he didnt play video games but he sure as FUCK played wii bowling
fuck now im gonna cry