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I've had this in my backlog for some time now. These are some decent pick up and play quick little simplistic puzzle platformers from Wayforward and combining all of the levels you get a sizable amount of content.

That said, they don't quite hit the same highs as the Shantae games at least in my opinion. I don't know if and when I'll get around to completing every level as it can be tedious after awhile.

It's nothing mind blowing but for 20 bucks or even less on sale it seems a fair enough price and the characters are cute. Definitely a game you can play in short bursts I suppose and it's nice to have those every once in awhile.

This is a pretty fun and unique good game mixing Minecraft with JRPG elements but the second one is better in every way. I honestly recommend playing that one if you can.

No other game I've played rewards perfect play (avoiding getting hit) as much as this one. And for this reason, it is incredibly difficult and frustrating at times being absolutely brutally punishing when you fail.

That said, the environments, presentation and moments when you do actually progress feel more empowering then anything. This is still worth checking out in my opinion for people that like roguelike gameplay and this is closer to what I wished Risk of Rain 2 was. Given it's utter difficulty and punishment, I may never finish this game completely but I still respect it for what it is.