I've had this in my backlog for some time now. These are some decent pick up and play quick little simplistic puzzle platformers from Wayforward and combining all of the levels you get a sizable amount of content.

That said, they don't quite hit the same highs as the Shantae games at least in my opinion. I don't know if and when I'll get around to completing every level as it can be tedious after awhile.

It's nothing mind blowing but for 20 bucks or even less on sale it seems a fair enough price and the characters are cute. Definitely a game you can play in short bursts I suppose and it's nice to have those every once in awhile.

This is a pretty fun and unique good game mixing Minecraft with JRPG elements but the second one is better in every way. I honestly recommend playing that one if you can.

No other game I've played rewards perfect play (avoiding getting hit) as much as this one. And for this reason, it is incredibly difficult and frustrating at times being absolutely brutally punishing when you fail.

That said, the environments, presentation and moments when you do actually progress feel more empowering then anything. This is still worth checking out in my opinion for people that like roguelike gameplay and this is closer to what I wished Risk of Rain 2 was. Given it's utter difficulty and punishment, I may never finish this game completely but I still respect it for what it is.

A quite unique stealth game with a good story and good puzzles. There are some interesting mechanics with the rats as well. Recommended for the unique experience alone. My only complaints without spoiling anything is a section later on the "cart pushing" section can go to hell.. If you know you know. Otherwise, great story with some unique elements.

This is THE metroidvania of metroidvanias. I don't even know how anything I could say would do it further justice. If you are into or ever have been into metroidvanias and/or platformers seriously, just play it.

The atmosphere and unique art design are amazing enough but the biggest thing for me is the sense of exploration. There are so many moments I won't ever forget. You owe it to yourself to experience this one if you never have.

A lot of people will think I'm being unfair here but I'm sorry.. This is the most sheer boredom I've ever felt with a game. I really do not see the appeal. They took what was once a very unique and engaging franchise and turned it into a bog standard, incredibly repetitive open world game and chose a desolate desert area for you to spend hours driving around with an opening section that forces you into a snails pace 🐌 to get to missions which all feel similar and repetitive.

Sure there is stuff to do to just kill time, there is a lot of 'content' and you can unlock stuff albeit slowly for my tastes but it's just flat out not fun in my opinion. Incredibly disappointing and an absolute chore. I really have no idea why people gush over this garbage. It genuinely feels like the worst of Ubisofts oversaturated open world design, wide as an ocean but deep as a puddle..

This just ain't it man. 👎If Snake Eater was the best game in the franchise then this was the worst bar none. Have I played worse games then this? Probably. I get that some people enjoy it and I'm happy for them. But as it stands there is a plethora of vastly better open world games to recommend over this one, Elden Ring, Red Dead Redemption 2, Far Cry 3, the new Zelda games to name a few.. so don't even bother with this.

Ranked a bit lower then the second and about on par with the first, but this is still a very solid game. It should be noted this is for fans of the first two. It more heavily follows two characters from the interesting Septian Church faction that appeared only briefly in the other games.

Who doesn't love badass nuns and priests wielding a sword and a crossbow? While not as familiar as the OG cast of Sky 1+2 they are fantastically well written characters in their own right. As time goes on all the familiar characters return to fight along side each other to escape from where they find themselves in this one before a final sendoff to end this first arc.

This is definitely for fans of the first two but still a great game and recommended if you played the first two.

This second chapter ups the stakes in the first and is phenomenally well written and crafted with a huge payoff. Emotions and tensions run high and every moment you want to see what happens next.

This is of course paced better then the first but along with the necessary knowledge of the first game you really connect and feel along with what the characters go through. It is fully recommended and there is only one other Trails game that would score higher (Being Trails to Azure) then this.

This is just such a wonderful and unforgettable epic story and everyone should experience it in my opinion.

A fantastic classic true JRPG and the start of the Trails series which is my personal favorite JRPG series. This arc follows the story of Estelle and Joshua whom are seeking to become full fledged 'Bracers' a occupation similar but much more complicated then mercenaries or guardians.. (You'll just have to play the game to understand what I mean.) The plot of course has way more to it down the road as it unravels..

I will say that the world building, writing, and story here are unapparelled. The amount of dialogue is insane and EVERY NPC is not only named, but has an entire ongoing storyline with them. Talk to them twice and after any major event happens and you will see.

The characters are all well fleshed out and have great personality and chemistry with one another. My only contention; a seemingly unavoidable flaw with any prologue game to the arcs in Trails is that at times can be a bit of a slog. You have to be into reading the lore. But the payoff is huge and well worth it! You will get hooked and the next game scores much higher but this is 100% necessary and recommended to enjoy the following games.

I am one of those people that never played the original and yes, I know, I really should. That said, what we have here is a phenomenal modern action-JRPG experience. It's not a super long game depending on how you play it but I ended up orignally playing the PS4 version, then this PS5 one with the added Yuffie content and played it all again on hard mode 100%ing most things aside from some of the trophies and totaling over 100 hours.

It is incredibly rare I do this for a game. The story, characters, combat system, environments, and music are all top tier and it's a lot of fun. My only real complaint is that there are a few side missions that can be a tad bit of a slog but they really don't last too long and that is just the nature of JRPGs generally and I've seen much worse offenders then this for sure.

Okay, hear me out. This is NOT a bad game by any means and I get the appeal and popularity of it. That said, I think I've been spoiled a bit by Stardew Valley which was much more to my taste then this.

I just couldn't get over the locking of things behind a daily format where you have to wait til the next day to do things again and yes, I know that's the whole point in making it unique. The gameplay when you start out especially is extremely barebones and minimal.

Add to that there is next to no actual farming in it. You also have to kind of get lucky with getting interesting or iconic villagers. It drip feeds things to you. I know this is meant to be played only for a few hours a day or so but it felt kind of like a chore whereas other comparisons like Stardew Valley for some reason seem fun but actually let you do exactly however much you want to.

I remember enjoying New Leaf on the DS a lot more.. It's just not for me I guess and I don't see myself returning to it at least anytime soon when I have better options for my personal taste.

I heavily respect this franchise for what it does but this is the reason that despite it being a decent game, I give it 3 stars because it is just average to me in fun factor.

Rabi-Ribi is an underrated bullet-hell metroidvania. Definitely well worth playing. Even as a person that generally doesn't like bullet hells or the difficulty that usually comes with them, the elements of bullet hell in this game aren't anything too crazy and they have a lot of ways to mitigate the difficulty with them. I didn't 100% the game but I did play an extensive amount and will say it's worth checking out.