3 reviews liked by ninesthousand

I just can't get into it. The missions are so repetitive and boring, also the cutscenes at the start and end about the characters starring IN THE MISSION YOU'RE ABOUT TO ENTER spoil EVERYTHING. I tried to like this game about 3 times and I always quit some time after getting into the second map. Sure there may be insane sandbox potential but I just couldn't tap into that. Shame.

The worst in the series.

I got through all of the game's content looking for something interesting to do as a longtime Metal Gear player. The best it had to offer were the OSP missions in chapter 2, and that's not enough. 3 boring boss fights, and the freedom allowed crippled the game as far as challenge goes due to how easily exploitable the dog and Rocket Punch are. I could not find the fun even S ranking every mission with no alerts and reflex-mode disabled.

I am on the side of the fence that believes something good could've been done here had Kojima been allowed to finish the game and not been forced to adhere to a 2015 release date, but we're reviewing the game we got and not the one it could've been.

I usually give at least a 2/5 to something I was able to get through, or something I could realistically see myself getting through, but I only got through this due to the series and its creator's legacies. It's a 1/5.

My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.