I ain’t play this and I probably won’t but literally nothing smt fans hate can be bad

Only played 8 hours so far but this is already better than the first game in every way

Just finished. Peak fiction

I'm honestly speechless at how perfectly this game caps off its arcs, whether it be for individual characters or in a plot sense. It just all comes together beautifully even if you can see it coming, and that's the whole point, these are common people problems and it doesn't shy away from portraying them warts and all.
Everyone praises this game for its realness and they're absolutely right.
I haven't listened to anything but caligula soundtracks for the past month.

which rocket scientist decided the combat should play out like uta prelude instead of the mask games bruh

pre good but im deducting a point cause he wouldn't shut up

If you told me I’d enjoy a sh2 meets saya browser game a year ago I wouldn’t believe you this year is full of surprises