Amazing artstyle, music and gameplay with some of the most satisfying combat and bosses in gaming

VLR pushes the limit of what a visual novel can acompolish using the branching narrative structure, with an amazing story and likeable character this game gets 5 stars

The first 10 hours are quite slow but it does pick up after leaving the first area

Its not the best fallout game but tbh its overhated and is still enjoyable to play when you run out of stuff to do in fallout 4

5 star for dmc 3 alone, 2 is bad but not bad enough to bring this down

DMC 3s fantastic soundtrack and amazing combat which still holds up nowadays is a ps2 classic that everyone should enjoy

Subnautica is a truly one of a kind game, its art style, soundtrack and gameplay are all amazing but when they come together they produce a masterpiece of suspense and dread while you navigate the ocean.

Good lore alright gameplay

Fun game its old but I think it holds up. The Master is an interesting villian who should have gotten more screentime.

As a first in its series it lays the foundation and its influence can still be felt in the newest games.

This is quite literally a perfect game, fuck microsoft for fucking this game over!