needed to play this at the same time as a friend on voice to get through it

worst part about this game was every single action game copying it's combat for years

the devil may cry 2 to bayonetta's devil may cry 1

mechanically a bit disappointing but that climax

probably the best world war 2 campaign alongside medal of honor frontline, tbh

the peak of the series in every way. except multiplayer. that was next

the best cod multiplayer ever. period

has more charm than the follow-ups but not quite as good

if crash 1 was a great first entry, this is a perfect example of how to do a sequel right.

a very rare perfect game. i really can't remember anything bad about this one

it is really good but it just aint mario kart. that said, it's competition at the time was the dire mario kart 64, so...

loved this as a kid but it really wasn't that good. nostalgic though, and laid the groundwork for what was to come in better games

absolutely dire single player by 2005's standards but that multiplayer man, holy shit