honestly feels a bit shallow but there's just so much content on offer it's hard to hold anything against it. as fun as it ever was

i actually quite enjoyed this, and even plugged in a keyboard and wasted hours on that hacking mode

controversial opinion but i don't like it as much as oblivion. sorry

not the best mechanically, not the most C O M F Y game in the series, but god damn is there a lot of shit in this one. it's basically just a dynasty warriors greatest hits package and it certainly IS close to 3 and 5 to boot. if you had to leave me with only one dynasty warriors game to play for the rest of my life... it'd probably be this one.

the best story mode in a dynasty warriors game tbh

really don't get all the hate for this one. it's fine? but a step back from 5, for sure

objectively the finest the series has been, any real fan will tell you so, but i don't know, part of me still prefers the feeling and vibes of 3

honestly this one felt like a bit of step down from 3, but still great fun

this is the game that got me hooked for life. absolutely wild amount of content for a ps2 game and hopelessly addicting. no game in the series quite captures the same vibe as this one

really not that good, people just liked that you could get out of the car. which ultimately didn't add anything to the game

"what the fuck that's it??"

a literal toybox of digital fun for dragon ball fans. you couldn't really ask for much more

would be way, way higher if the second and third games didn't exist to be basically the same exact game but bigger