hundreds of hours in this one. stunning game whether alone or with friends and the amount of story content is absurd

more of the same as the first one, just with way more stuff. quite enjoyable but nothing spectacular

really not a fan of the battle system but once you start seeing it as an action rpg and not another attempt at succeeding budokai tenkaichi, it becomes somewhat fun

it really pales in comparison to the games it was trying to succeed but me and some friends had an absolute ton of fun playing it round-robin after finishing work at mcdonalds for the evening

you cannot imagine how fucking great this game is until you play it. just grab an emulator and get stuck in

i have really good memories of playing this game and grinding my favourite characters levels and gear up. really fun but i never had anyone to play it with

while it's easily overlooked now, the fact that this was at one point £20 on the platinum range was absolutely insane.

i think i need to replay this one, it was just so bananas i really don't remember that much

genuinely really good entry and some die-hards will try to convince you it's bad because you play the same levels multiple times. fuck them

it's bizarre how no other game in the series has quite captured the magic since. oh, no it's not, it's the only one kamiya-san worked on.

absolutely dire single player by 2005's standards but that multiplayer man, holy shit

loved this as a kid but it really wasn't that good. nostalgic though, and laid the groundwork for what was to come in better games

it is really good but it just aint mario kart. that said, it's competition at the time was the dire mario kart 64, so...

a very rare perfect game. i really can't remember anything bad about this one

if crash 1 was a great first entry, this is a perfect example of how to do a sequel right.