classic game. pretty fun (especially the mobile port with the spin dashes). very basic and fundamental but it’s still a good time. Sega does what Nintendon’t

Wonderful game about perseverance and success. Love the little interludes, I just wish there were more of them. It's a hard game, but the top of the mountain is certainly worth it.

My first Metroid game and a fantastic introduction to the series. Got a little confused with the story, and lost a couple times but overall was really amazed with how well designed the game is. Big ups to Mercury Steam, definitely worth your time.

4.5 stars on PC. High refresh rate changes everything.

So charming. The first weird RPG to ever do it right.

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guys... i think the ending of this game might be trying to say something... 🤔🤔🤔

Probably the most times I've ever beaten a game. The value here is actually insane, btw. If you haven't played you're doing yourself a disservice.

most refreshing 2D Mario to date. very fun to 100%. not my GOTY but a damn clean game.

It’s a fun time, but personally for me doesn’t bring me the same sense of enjoyment as Chapter 1 did. But it’s only the second chapter in what’s supposed to be a much longer game, so perhaps when it’s complete I’ll feel differently about the game as a whole. Either way if you haven’t played Deltarune I highly recommend, Toby Fox is consistently funny and innovative.

This game is the best Pokémon game Game Freak has released since Gen 5, yet it still feels unpolished and suffers from “annual release syndrome”. Tutorial is awful and full of too much dialogue as is the ending, but the freedom of catching Pokémon and growing your team in the middle is genuinely a good time. I just wonder what GF would be capable of if they would decide to delay a game.