The whole game is very poetic and fascinating in its ideology, worthwhile playing it just for the sake of the satisfying elegance and eloquence of the notes and dialogues, suffering from a gameplay view sadly. It has one of the darkest stories in the gaming world, and the soundtrack and voice acting are on point. While The Dark Descent's gameplay and use of environment was better, this game counters those strong elements with ıts unique story and ambiance, sadly it can be easily viewed as just a walking sim. It deserved more, but I'm happy to have played it.


In a gaming world where majority of the players don't even acknowledge the QTE filled interactive movies as video games, As Dusk Falls takes this as a challenge and setting the standard even higher by telling this compelling story with graphic novel type visuals. In this game your choices do matter, (take lessons Supermassive Games) even a single failed quick time event might change the whole story. couple that with excellent voice acting, dialogues and matching soundtrack, you'll have As Dusk Falls. Xbox was cooking last year with Pentiment and this gem.

To the reviewers; try not to be harsh to this game, sure was a vibe back in the day, and it is created great memories from a simpler time...

Underrated gem, amazing sound design.

You're not as bad as everyone says you are.

cheesy dialogue, choices do not matter at all.

Surviving is winning, everything else is bullshit.