3 reviews liked by ohaimochi

The game is a fever dream but in a good way.

The peak of Froms difficulty design, I've been floored by this game many times and its ability to whoop your ass is no joke. At first it might be hard to really jive with the combat, especially if you're familiar with the Dark Souls series and its formula but over time when you get over that hurdle the game puts up with parrying, and take your time really diving into the mechanics it offers, you really get to experience one of the most gratifying titles the market has to offer.
Sekiro is satisfying to master and satisfying to play. From really outdid themselves with this one.

Amnesia: The Bunker is an interesting short horror title by Frictional. While the game doesn't tread any new ground within the genre, the execution of some of its ideas are done well enough for me to really enjoy my time with it. This newer entry tries its hand at resource management survival horror akin to the likes of Resident Evil, while you're still hiding more than you are fighting the monster, I still felt in control while exploring the areas of the bunker and after long stretches of exploring it gets all the more exhilarating just trying to get back to the safe room while finding ways to out maneuver the monster. I recommend fully and I look forward to Frictional's next title if they keep this style of gameplay moving forward.