the worst one, backtracking in this game suck balls

slowest start ever!!! but as soon as you can go in to the wilds its amazing. a great game in general i can't go back to the main series with the modern clothes and aesthetics... pokemon legends should be the main series now. but they need to polish some stuff like the graphics (botw is originally for wiiu and is prettier). also i wanted to ride my damn rapidash or my arcanine. but got stuck with limited and less interesting mounts.

pretty good zelda game overall, altough some mechanics are dated for now. like everytime you set sail you need to use the wind waker and change the direction of the wind or use the ww and teleport nearby (not were you need to go directly but nearby) its a overall slow down but for the time it was launched it was ok. also 8 pieces for the triforce was a bit too much for me, i would left for 4-5 pieces

They tried and succeeded to modernize the series the combat and storytelling plays really good, also the skip button is really helpful sometimes.
the game is gigantic and the postgame is absurdly good.

best dq game yet, great story and characters despite the emotionless hero. this being the worst thing in this game..
it has so many impactful moments and the characters lack emotions, no hugs, no kisses not even a brofist idk.

this game will never change, if you played 10 minutes its like the entire experience over and over.

it will aways be only a mediocre cash graber.

one of the best AC games, but in the end game the only thing i could think was: why is this game still going? jesus it should have ended like 10 hours ago.

the haviest bactracking and grinding game i've ever played, alongside with randon encounters every 5 steps. when i got to one of the last areas and the game just told me to go back to the first area i droped it.

a great game but its a bit too long.
if you're looking to play it, then expect nothing more than a walking simulator with confusing but really good story.

also, if you are a tryhard dude, play it on max dificulty for any kind of dificulty at all.

i'd say is the perfect DMC game, maybe the only thing i feel kinda bad, is that every time you die, it asks you if you want to revive, then if you choose not, there is a litle bit of waiting just to go to the checkpoint screen, and then to the stage again. but that is because i don't have nothing bad to say of this game.

yeah i "played" this on youtube

too boring, linear and button masher.

oh boy Xenoblade 2...

ok, first of all, if you like XC1 there is a high chance of not liking XC2 at first, as the second game is set in a completely diferent tone and mechanics, some examples includes: bad protagonist, gacha, new combat system, cringe anime moments, and a weird relation between a 100+ years lady with a 15 year old child, also is "too much anime". I know its a weak argument but it has no better way to describe it, its SAO level of anime and even a little bit of ecchi sometimes, you can say the first xenoblade is more of a game than an anime, while the second is more of an pre-pubescent anime than a game. To people that say both is anime i say that hamtaro and evangelion are too... the story is also filled with cliches.

The start of the game is boring AF with a TON of terrible tutorials that you will probably start skipping very fast.. wich creates another problem, you will probably think the combat is trash when is actually better than the first one, but it explains it in the worst way possible, i only figured the burst+chain mechanic in the last chapter.

The story takes too much time to start beeing near XC1 level of quality (around chapter 5 or 6) up to this point the chances of dropping it has already peaked... and still i was only tolerating the characters, not really liking any of them.

also, one thing that i dislike in this game is that does not really connect with XC1 beyond the paralellal universes.

in short: is good when is not cringe anime weird shit. but i gotta say a good game should be good since the beggining, not after 20+ hours, this is enough time to finish other games.

ps: i dropped this game about 5 times and only persisted cuz i really like XC1. but i ended up liking it.

after played the second xenoblade i appreciate the first one even more, this one is actually a masterpiece.

The classic revived and stunningly beautiful for switch standards.

Definetly not a bad game, but a mid zelda game.
to state the obvious first, yes the controls are terrible. but there's not much to be done cuz is literally the core mechanic in this game.
The dungeons and puzzles are great, but something in the level design is weird, the exploration in this zelda game is not nearly as recompensating as previous ones like OoT.
I constantly fought my way to open a chest, then, boom 20 rupees... and this goes for the entire game.
there is a bit of bactracking but they try to make it less boring.
The graphics are great but nothing especial.
The OST is amazing as aways.
Lacks difficulty in the battles thus only beeing hard in some puzzles.
Also the imprisoned is sus.
Good Game...