OOOHHH banger soundtrack & the design is tighter than a virgin rosebud

One of my all-time greats. I'm really grateful to have played it on the original NDS since that really is the definitive version. AND a banger soundtrack.

Just fantastic! On my 3rd or so runthrough.

I don't think I've ever beaten a run? but it do slap

just fantastic. only downside is the visuals but gameplay is so solid, complex, engaging, yet accessible -- no complaints here.

I've always felt eerily connected to this game-. my born-again crazy mom has called me a "sacrificial lamb" and confiscated books and drawings. she never locked me in the basement but blah blah blah metaphors for being in the closet blah blah blah insert theory about isaac being trans etc etc etc

Some QoL improvements from the first game, and some fun additions as well. Missing some of the freshness of the original Bayonetta but absolutely worth playing.

just my favorite game of all time what can i say. a masterpiece. not flawless but beautifully crafted, near & dear to my heart in all ways possible. play this game.

Truly the most boring RGG game redeemed only by hawaiian shirt dad kiryu and the kanda love hotel boss fight

BRO BRO BRO stan ryuji and his HUGE TITS truly the best villain of the series, i just want him to smother me with his dumptruck bussy
triumphant return of the hostess game with even better dressup

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kind of a letdown coming straight from 0 however i ended up getting more into it than i thought

beat it tripping on acid on christmas day & was so upset my dearest milf wife reina d*es i ragequit

please god just release the hostess game as a standalone i will pay good money for it PLEASE

umm i have played this game many times and i will play it again for that sweet sweet disco game and my sweet sweet gay boys

please god just release the hostess game as a standalone i will pay good money for it PLEASE

also i would like to yank majimas stupid incel ponytail in a sexual context thank u for reading