i know the latter half of the game is flawed and may drive some people away, but this is just personally one of my favorite rpgs of all time.

the brave/default system with the different job classes is extremely fun. you can build your team as you wish and create some really broken tactics. the cast of characters will forever be one of my favorites, and the soundtrack is memorable and one of my most played of all time. even the latter half of the game was enjoyable due to the slight changes each chapter brings.

i'm hoping this somehow, someday gets ported to pc/modern systems because i'd love to replay this on a bigger screen

it takes so little time and thought to complete that you won't even remember playing it (i certainly don't)

probably my favorite fe title

they knew that people loved exploring wuhu island in sports resort, but didn't bring the same charm or feeling to pilotwings.
the only thing i remember about this game is playing it and thinking "i can't wait until animal crossing new leaf comes out"

i enjoyed the updates to the brave/default system, but the humor and soundtrack are a huge downgrade from the first game. "coup de gravy!" being repeated throughout the game annoyed me every time, and not having clear differences between character motifs makes every special move song blend together

i technically had the hallway one (spyro the dragon 4)

i always play as an elven mage in rpgs because of this game

i fully remember playing this on my school's new whiteboard

the best animal crossing game overall. it expands on the previous games while still bringing its own charms, and multiplayer kept my friends and i playing late into the night. while this game started the "villagers are getting too nice" conversations, at least they have variety throughout the whole year

unfrogettable ribbiting experience

my first pokemon game :')
i remember having a fully evolved starter a lot sooner than i should have, mainly because young me was stupid and always forgot where to go next

i wasn't finished with my first playthrough before i went "i need to do at least two to three more playthroughs". this is exactly what i want out of an rpg that allows me to create my own character and my own choices

for releasing at the end of the 3ds' life and not having any voice acting? it's quite fun. i liked leveling each attribute separately and as you use specific gear