A truly admirable commitment to the bit!

Everything's kind of simplistic (the combat in particular is undercooked and even on Easy Mode it's really hard, just because of how the systems work) but, man, the way this world clockworks out of the ground when you solve a puzzle is so crunchy and satisfying.

It wasn't until the second area that everything "clicked," but I loved this game so much. Every mission is a little bit different. It doesn't outstay its welcome. Watching this lady tumble gracelessly through the air never gets old. Five stars forever.


This is fantastic, but I don't understand how you're all playing it without getting a headache.

I've got a notebook somewhere around here with a bunch of doodles. Unlocked the secret ending by accident; Jonathan Blow seems like Not A Good Dude, t b h

It's this one. This is the best Final Fantasy. Fuck you

Great to move around! A really compelling story!