Look I'm sure it's great and all but I put this down pretty much the moment Poison Ivy showed up in her dumb outfit

Not interesting enough to slog through the combat sections!

I played this when it first came out and to this day I think about DDLC twice a month, minimum. One of my favourite things is to send it to people without context.

I love this game but ethically cannot give it more than three stars

I still technically have one last route in this to play through, but what, am I going to BETRAY Edelgard? My BEST FRIEND?


Safe Mode is the way to go here, I think. The combat and stealth add nothing to what is a brilliant existential horror walking sim.

Into the Breach, you beautiful bastard, you got me through jury duty in 2019

FIVE STARS for chapters one through four, and then the rating takes a nosedive in five and six. You know why.

I love the crow, he is my friend

The opening was interesting, but what came next was not, and it asked a lot of me, and so it has been put down.

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I got to the Erdtree and it said NO and after eighty hours the wind was just taken out of my sails. I'll come back, maybe. Probably not. Great game! Eighty hours is a lot of game to love!

Sporadically great, unsettling, intriguing stuff, but I played this game through several times over the course a couple of hours while searching for all the endings only to find out I'd got the platinum trophy two endings ago, you know? It felt like there's more to this that I haven't uncovered, and it was disappointing to find that in fact I had.

These games are Very Good, yes. I get it. The writing and the art and the Vibes and all. But there's not much TO them, and I don't know if that's just because we've moved forward in the last ten years, but you're very much going through the motions here, and I'm a person who likes to puzzle things out.

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