This is truly a game you can play forever. Only few games have sucked me in like this and I'm only at 129 hours. Mods only make this game more amazing to play and be immersed in, I'm literally playing "What if Goku's pod landed on Kenshi?" and having the time of my life! If you've never done a martial arts build (i have a whole crew of fighters) I HIGHLY recommend it

It genuinely makes me sad feeling the joy fade away as this game progresses, I just can't play it anymore. A shell of something I used to love

I was a big fan of Baldurs Gate 1 and 2 and so when this was announced I was losing my mind. Been playing since it dropped in early access and will continue to play it probably for the rest of my life. It's amazing to see a DND game get so much love, Larian did phenomenal and I can't wait to see what they have in the future. Tavern brawler monks for the win


As a kid I would play Doom constantly when I got home from school, alternating between that and minecraft. Many years later I went to a convention in town and they had a demo for this game up and I was absolutely in love. Bought it on release and was saddened by the fact that my PC couldnt run it... fast forward many more years to 2024 and FINALLY it came back up on my radar when I was looking to get back into playing singeplayer games again. I can say without a doubt this game is AMAZING, has me extremely excited to play the sequel. I could recommend this game to literally anybody, the Doom Slayer is too raw

Probably the best online multiplayer experience i've ever had with a game. A masterpiece that we will see grow