I played through it in 2023 for the first time. Graphics still hold up and I can see why people loved it back in the day, but for someone that's new to the franchise, it's really clunky, unforgiving and unfair at times. I'd like to see a new Remake like they did for 2, 3 and 4 recently.

Played it right after Zero mission and loved it! They modernized the 2D combat brilliantly.

Amazing Metroidvania. Artstyle, gameplay and bossfights are amazing. Level-design isn't the best in the genre, but overall one of the best Metroidvanias for sure.

Never played the original, but I loved this one! No horror game ever stressed me out this much (maybe Alien Isolation). Mr. X is awesome!

This is a masterpiece, only blemished by the fetch quest at the end that requires endless backtracking. Just use a guide for that and get it over it. Other than that, it's one of the best games I've ever played. I hope they also remake 1 and 2!

Played it in 2023. Still holds up. Not as good as Arkham City or even Arkham Knight imo, but still a great game.

I liked the Batmobile, i just wish they hadn't integrated it so much into boss. Side Missions also aren't as good as in City. Other than that, in most other aspects it's the pinnacle of the series.

I love this game. Never played the original, but all the other FS games. Even 4 years later, I don't think I have seen better graphics anywhere. At it's root it's as good as all the other FS games, but you definitely notice that they made huge leaps when it comes to boss gameplay mechanics and boss fights in their later titles.

The pinnacle of the Series (as of 2024). For what it is, it's a perfect game.

Probably one of the most influential games ever. The DLC made up for the unfinished parts imo. An all-time classic.

Almost perfect game. The mapping system isn't how I personally like my Metroidvanias, but other than that, it does not get much better than tis.

Perfect game. The true successor to Dark Souls 1.

Not quite as good as World, but that's simply due to the more "arcady" approach to the game's design. I get why they did it, since it's a portable game at heart, but I prefer MHW.

An all time classic. My favorite game of 2023.

Played it in 2021 and it still holds up. These games are just timeless and will always play great. Really hard at times, but would recommend to anyone that likes the genre!