Great game with awesome characters and a moving story. Had some weird moments in the story, lacked depth gameplay-wise and felt technically limited by the the PSP. I'll give it a another playthrough with the remake soon.

I love what they did with the remake. Level design was annoying due to technical limitations of the PS4. Squeezing through narrow paths for 1000 times gets really boring. I hope that's gone in Rebirth.

Played it close to release. This could have been the best Final Fantasy ever. I love the setting, characters, their friendship and the whole road-trip character of the story. It just wasn't finished. Huge gaps in the story unfortunately, major plot points get narrated in loading screen texts and key characters only have a few minutes of screen time and it's obvious that more just didn't make it into the game. Unfortunate. I hope Square revisits this game one day with a remake.

Peak Mario. Not porting the second one to the Switch is criminal.

Still amazing! Doesn't get much better in the genre, but the boss fights could be better.

Fun game, but just lacks elements that make it more exiting. Decent fun.

Perfect game for what it is and best of the genre. After 10 years, I'm just tired of it and want a new one.

Good core gameplay, but little incentive to keep playing after the story and just lacks content imo.

Great start of the franchise and still holds up, but there are some insufferable platforming parts due to poor hitboxes.

Surpassed the first one in every aspect. Great sequel.

ZEEEEEUUUUUUS! A perfect final for the original trilogy. I prefer these over the soft-reboots. Peak of the series.

I prefer the OG GoW gameplay. Normal enemies take a bit too long to kills, resulting in me not really feeling mighty as Kratos, a God. Story, graphics, writing and overall production value is chefs kiss tho.

Same complaints I had for the first one. Other than that, it bigger, better and more spectacular than the first one.

Great game and really impressive what they accomplished on the PSP.