Quite eerie and it did what it wanted to do just fine, but I don't think it has nothing that will stuck with me.

A pretty good action game, quite enjoyable but leagues worse than Dino Crisis 1.

Yes I too liked The Blair Witch Project.

An undo button would work wonders in this one

El típico juego que intenta gamificar ideas profundas de forma superficial y pretenciosa. Sea de una jam o no es particularmente ofensivo en este caso lo nada que logra decir este juego sobre la batalla contra las adicciones.

What if Iron Lung but bad.

Man is so easy to receive a cheap shot, there should be an auto heal system or something, it feels so abusive.

I was bored enough by the end of the second level. Then I died in level 3 and it respawned endlessly in a pit where I died immediately.

No pensé que iba a salir el monstruo sin piel gateando por el pasillo y de pronto POW por tercera vez!


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I love that the game don't forces you out once you picked up all the pieces, but lets you keep on playing until you yourself let go just like in real life when you lose someone.

Uninspired, generic and overall it lacks everything that makes a good metroidvania.

A third person shooter made by the creators of the critically acclaimed Yakuza Dead Souls, what could go wrong?

Despite its short runtime it's surprisingly charming and there are a few things that genuinely gave me the creeps

Just the VN brings any kind of worth to this collection, even then I'm not quite sure if it's kinda wholesome or kinda fucked up