12 reviews liked by pepeSfacubEillaX

Really wonky and weird direction Valve went with episode one, I hate to say this but it stands poorly next to hl2 and episode two.

Best in the half-life 2 trilogy, especially the cliffhanger. The ending section was also neat.

Balkan magic, imagine physics (sort of) and reflections in 2001. The engine was ahead of its time

Underrated brother of TFE. My favorite in the whole franchise. Endless corridor shooting.

A mouthful of endless and chaotic shooting. Underrated. And very lenghty.

The best 2D sandbox game ever, even one of the best game overall. It's packed full of content and a development team that loves the game and that actually cares about what people have to say. Can't get any better than this, every playthrough you discover something new.

Hard to play ❌ Hard while playing ✔️

The best puzzle game of all time. Anything that can come close is probably The Talos Principle. Best game Valve ever made, great story that at times doesn't have to take itself serious.

The best Half-Life 2 mod out there, change my mind. It has such a great story, I think of it as the Half-Life 3 we never got.