10 Reviews liked by perhap

This game made my childhood worth living. Some of the greatest memories of my life took place while playing this game. It's a shame those days are over. Anyway, on my way outside to touch some grass.

Halo Reach is a game I'd say is overall really good, especially in terms of it's narrative. I think Reach does a better job creating a new cast for me to care about than ODST did and made a more enjoyable experience for me as well. I now get why "Objective : Survive" haunts many.

My biggest gripe with this game is this out of nowhere section in "Long Night of Solace" where you're made to pilot a ship to fight other ships but it felt really one sided and there was only one checkpoint in the whole bit which was before the tutorial which made dying a hassle (some friends have said there should be more so that might be a MCC glitch)

Overall, it's a good game. I like Halo 2 and 3 more but this is still a great experience overall.

Hate myself hate life hate this dumb fucking game will play tomorrow.

Probably amazing but I lost motivation to play for some reason idk

Perfection of a sandbox carries this game. Great world

Great gameplay, but I'm shit at video games

What a thrill... (It's the title song loser go play the game)