5 stars: Probably had active brainrot about it / personal favorite

4 stars: Highly recommend / I enjoy it a lot.

3 stars: Good / recommended, just did not capture me personally as strongly, or the recommendation comes with stronger caveats

2 stars: Wasn't super into it personally, but the game might be fine

1 star: I think it's actually bad, or I just really dislike it

Half stars are just in between. e.g. I have a lot of 3.5s for "It meant something to me but I'm not necessarily drawn back to it"
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I love this game dearly although I'm probably clouded by nostalgia. There are a lot of little things with the mechanics that they figured out better by Spirit Tracks, but standing on its own, it's a fun little Zelda that makes a LOT of use of its medium and has characters still memorable to me a long time later.

I love this absurd communication puzzle game. Please play this game with me.

I vaguely remember going into some kind of fugue state and throwing myself into this game until I'd completed it. Very fun, lots of minigames mixed with platforming, more meta stuff.